A baby's growth and immune system are supported by the important nutrients and antibodies that breastfeeding provides. Breastfeeding is therefore a crucial part of infant care.
A major concern for new mums is whether they will be able to give their child enough milk to meet their needs.
It is possible to increase the amount of breast milk produced by combining many strategies that promote efficient nursing and increase milk production.
There are many ways to increase breast milk supply. But for this context, we'll be talking about 5 crucial factors:
• Regular nursing and pumping: The body generates more milk when the baby nurses more often particularly in the early weeks. The hormone responsible for producing milk when breastfeeding is done frequently is called prolactin.
So, breastfeeding your baby every two to three hours, including at night, will encourage your body to produce more milk. Pumping your breasts will ensure that your breasts are emptied, which will also encourage your body to produce more milk.
In the case of an engorged breast that blocks the duct, massage carefully to relieve the pain and allow the free flow of breast milk. You can also make use of a manual or automatic breast milk expression to try expressing your breast milk.
• Make sure your baby is latching correctly: A healthy latch facilitates efficient milk removal and encourages increased production. Every feeding is more thoroughly emptied from the breasts when the latch is done correctly. The breasts signal the body to pump out more milk when they are fully empty. In addition, it causes the release of oxytocin, which facilitates the milk ejection reflex and makes it simpler for you to continue nursing your child.
• Feed as required: As your baby shows signs of hunger, take action and feed them whenever they want. The breasts produce more milk as often as your baby feeds and the body adjusts its production of milk to meet the baby's demand.
Remember, frequent feeding helps avoid duct blockage and engorgement, which can have a detrimental effect on milk production. The more milk in demand, the more the supply.
This also means that as a mother, you have to eat well and eat healthy for your baby to get enough milk and nutrients from you. Eating healthy and drinking enough water, gets you ready for your baby's milk demand.
Formula should only be added as a last resort if required by a doctor, as it can decrease both your baby's supply and your own.
• Make use of skin-to-skin touch: By encouraging a variety of physiological and emotional benefits for both the mother and the baby, skin-to-skin contact, commonly referred to as "kangaroo care," can increase the supply of breast milk.
Spend time holding your infant close to your skin during bonding time. Being physically close to the infant helps both the mother and the child feel less stressed and anxious. When there is a reduction in stress levels, it benefits milk production.
• Seek advice from an expert: A lactation consultant can offer you individualized advice and tactics that are specific to your circumstances if you're having problems with your milk production.
A professional can assist in making sure the infant latches and positions themselves correctly, which is essential for efficient milk removal and avoiding pain or damage to the nipples.
You can efficiently boost your breast milk production and guarantee your newborn gets the finest nutrition possible by implementing these doable and realistic techniques.
To have a good breastfeeding journey, you must be persistent in your efforts and get support from loved ones and medical professionals.