Innovative Ideas For Nigerian Health Brands Marketing To New Mums


Marketing to the Nigerian mum isn't a walk in the park. Statistics have shown that selling a product to mums is twice more competitive and complex than the ordinary market audience. You can't just buy mums easily. They always want value for their money. Hence you need to have innovative and creative ideas in your arsenal. 


In this article, you'll learn innovative tips to help your health brand scale through the Nigerian mum market.


Innovative tips for Nigerian health brands to market to new mums

  • Postpartum fitness: The postpartum phase is less spoken about in Nigeria. Most people think after omugwo, new mums snap back immediately. This is false as every mum's journey differs so as their healing process. Sometimes, it may take months to a year for them to mentally and physically get back in shape. As a health brand targeting new mums, you can help mums by promoting postpartum fitness in a subtle and caring way. Communicate with them by understanding their challenges as a new mum. Offer tips to help them navigate this crucial phase of their life. 


  • Nutrition: Educate them on proper meals to eat during postpartum and how they'll contribute to their recovery. An educated mum is an empowered mum. 


  • Offer bonuses: Make new mums feel special by offering special bonuses and discounts on your products and services.


  • Baby care: Baby care will always be top of mind for any new mum. Heard the phrase, a new mum watches her baby like a hawk? That's your cue as a business to diversify a new mum's interest. Make products that also tend to the needs of their little ones. 


  • Send them reminders: Send positive reminders of how amazing they are as mothers. You never know which text will brighten someone's day.



Marketing to mums in Nigeria is a sport. Carefully understanding the needs and pain points of mums will go a long way to increasing revenue for your business and increasing customer retention. 


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