Is Tiger Nut Milk Safe For A Pregnant Woman?

Regardless of the nut attached, tiger nuts are not under the nuts group. It belongs to the Cyperaceae family and falls under the category of roots and tubers because its seeds are pulled directly from the soil. It is a tuber that grows freely in Nigeria and other parts of the world.


Tiger nuts can be either in the raw form, dried or processed as flour as a potential source of food ingredients for supplementation. You can grind it and extract its milk for later use. Tiger nuts quickly serve as different recipes of your choice. 


This article gives insight into whether tiger nut milk is safe for your consumption or not.


Health benefits of tiger nut drink (kunun aya) 

Tiger nut milk, also known as Kunun Aya or Horchata de Chufa, is a mixture of blended tiger nuts, dates and coconut to produce a tasty milky drink. The combination is rich in lots of nutrients linked to numerous other body benefits.


  • Tiger nuts contain enzymes like lipases, amylases and catalases, contributing to relieving gastrointestinal issues. It has amazing prebiotic components that help good bacteria thrive in the body. The insoluble fibre content, asides from preventing constipation, equally contributes to lowering your cholesterol level.
  • Tiger nut helps keep your sugar level in check as it slows down the absorption of sugar in the gut.
  • Tiger nuts aid blood circulation, which is essential for the excellent state of the heart. This is partly because of the high content of monounsaturated fats.
  • Of course, when people hear tiger nut drink, the first thing that pops into mind is its aphrodisiac quality. Research shows that more Nigerian men who consumed tiger nuts daily experienced sperm boosts and increased libido. The combination of dates and coconut is what propels this.
  • Tiger nuts can provide the right amount of proteins which we already know is essential for the growth and repair of damaged body tissues. 
  • A cell study discovered that tiger nuts are an excellent immune booster and effective in fighting bacterial infections.


Tiger nut milk and pregnancy

Pregnancy can induce cravings for certain foods. The food can come off as weird combos, typical meals of interest or, in some cases, edibles you may not even be drawn to naturally. However, not all moms-to-be are quick to nibble at everything they stumble upon. Some equal others develop a distaste towards a wide range of meals. 


Given the delicate stage, ‘’What to eat” and “What to not eat” happens to be the most important question asked, keeping in mind that what you consume not only affects your health but has a significant impact on the formation of the fetus. 


However, tiger nut milk is a refreshing vegetable drink prepared mainly with tiger nuts and the right amount of sugar and water to give it a superb taste. It can serve as a substitute for milk, especially if lactose intolerant. The richness in calcium is essential for building strong tissues and ensuring your baby's development in the womb.


The magnesium content is essential in alleviating nausea, aches and muscle cramps and reducing the risk of preterm delivery.


As much as tiger nuts have tremendous benefits, you should equally keep in mind the side effects. High fibre content can contribute to flatulence, bloating, diarrhoea or constipation. Consume in moderation. There is also a threat of contamination by mycotoxins (given that it is a tuber product), which is unsafe for a pregnant woman.


Again, instead of purchasing from roadside hawkers, it would be best to do it yourself. The water, environment, and process it passes through should be a concern.


You should always check with your doctor for allergies and developing worries.



You can add tiger nuts to your diet in several ways. The exciting part of it is that it is effortless to make. For the preparation, you will be needing;

  • Tiger nuts (Chief ingredient)
  • Dates, also known as Debino
  • Coconut
  • Water


Step 1: First, soak the dry tiger nut in a reasonable bowl of cold water overnight. Wash the nuts properly afterwards while sorting out the bad ones.


Step 2: Set the dates aside for about 10 minutes. This helps it soften and makes the seek easy to remove.


Step 3: Chop your coconut into smaller pieces for easy blending.


Step 4: Get a power blender or grinding machine, pour in the tiger nut, coconut and dates, add some water for easy blending and proceed to blend to a smooth paste.


Step 5: With the help of a clean filter, extract the juice.


Voila! You have your creamy, delicious tiger nut. It is best enjoyed chilled, so do well to refrigerate.

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