Why Babies Cry and What To Do

Babies are infamous for crying a lot and oftentimes, crying is their way of communicating with you. They cry for no apparent reason at times and for obvious reasons at other times. A baby's cry can be aggravating and cause parents to become concerned. Because of their fragile nature, most parents are unsure why their children weep.


Here are some of the reasons why your infant can be a cry baby.



SLEEP:  When your baby is fatigued, he or she is more likely to cry. Most tired newborns cry to let their parents know that they need to sleep and that they need to be placed in a comfortable posture. Most of the time, you'll have to swaddle or snuggle them to get them to sleep.



DIRTY DIAPER: When a baby's diaper is dirty, he or she becomes uncomfortable and expresses this discomfort by crying. When the diaper is full, it is critical to clean off their stool to avoid skin irritation and burning.



HUNGER: One of the most common causes of crying in babies is hunger. When babies are hungry, they become restless, and the only way to let you know is to cry. They cease crying once they've been fed.



OVERFEEDING: Because they don't know when to stop, some parents tend to overfeed their children. Some youngsters cry when they are bloated due to a stomach upset caused by too much milk in their stomach.



CLOTHING: babies can get too hot or cold at times, and their clothing may be a contributing factor. If your child is crying because the temperature is too hot, remove unnecessary clothing and make sure he or she gets enough air.



COLIC: One of the most common reasons for repeated crying in babies is colic. Colic is a type of stomach spasm, according to physicians, that occurs when a baby is feeding well, has eaten enough, but alternates between a normal attitude and wailing. This usually happens between the ages of 2 and 4 months. 



PAIN: When a baby is in severe pain, such as an earache, stomach upset, mouth ulcer, or diaper rash, he or she will cry. It can be difficult to tell if the pain is generating a baby's cry, but you must remain vigilant. Go to the doctor if your infant cries a lot and doesn't look comfortable when they aren't crying. Finding a diagnosis for the child's pain would be beneficial.



What To Do When Your Baby Is Crying


When babies cry, most parents become anxious. Here are some suggestions for soothing your crying infant.


  • 1. Give a warm bath; this may calm some babies but may make others cry even more.


  • 2. Rhythmically stroke your baby's back, holding them against you or lying face down on your lap.


  • 3. Provide them with something to listen to or look at. This could serve as a type of distraction for them, as well as a means of calming them down.


  • 4. Allow your baby to suckle at your breast if you're breastfeeding. 


  • 5. Take off your baby's clothes and gently but firmly massage them.


  • 6. Move around gently, swaying and dancing while soothingly speaking to them.


  • 7. If you find out your child has a fever, high temperature, pale skin, or a strange rash, ensure to visit the doctor. Trust your instincts if you feel your baby may not be feeling well. 


  • 8. When your baby is crying, never get frustrated and shake them. Shaking your baby can cause the shaken baby syndrome, which is a type of brain injury.


  • 9. Seek help if you're exhausted or irritated by your baby's cries. It's fine to be furious, but don't let it affect your child. While guaranteeing your baby's safety, go away from them and try to cool off.


  • 10. If you feel your child has a fever, never self-administer drugs, especially if they are less than 12 weeks old. See a doctor before doing anything.


It can be difficult to regulate a baby's tears because they cry a lot. As a parent or caregiver, make sure you're not offended by their acts because they're only trying to communicate with you. When things don't feel right, go to the doctor, take a break, and get help. Don't worry, your child will eventually cease crying, so enjoy the moment.



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Chisom Udeh
it's very frustrating when one can't tell why a baby is crying. A friend introduced me to an app called Baby Cry Tracker that tracks baby cries and at least presents you with data about your baby's cry schedule. The app is currently in beta so invite-only.