7 years ago
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It ended in praize'my princess is here'all tanks to GOD'he did wat no man can do'help me praize him bcus he's awesom
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Pls ooo'am 37weeks'since monday i found it difficult to slp at nite'nd doc said i shuld be slping with my left hand but it so difficult nd i dnt fill relaxed'nd secondaly since yesterday am having bck aches nd pains'wat could dat be pls help me dis one don pass me
Gudmorning mums nd doc'hp u all slpt well'pls urgent answer pls'am 36weeks nd 3days according to my doctor'but dis morning i v just be fillin mestural pain in front of my lower tummy wat could dat be pls help me'd pain is too much
Gudday mum'doc said bby's hair has been fixed'wat deos it rili means'pls help me ooo
Rili concein i went to scan on monday'dey told me dat my baby is big dat i ned to reduce my intake 'pls help am 30weeks 2days today'my baby weight 1.7'pls wat shuld i take to reduce it 'but according to my own calculation i shuld be 29weks 2days today'pls help a mum
Rili concein i went to scan on monday'dey told me dat my baby is big dat i ned to reduce my intake 'pls help am 30weeks 2days today'my baby weight 1.7'pls wat shuld i take to reduce it 'but according to my own calculation i shuld be 29weks 2days today'pls help a mum
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Gud day mum nd doc'pls sumtin is ciriously bothering me'is pregancy rili 40weks bcus from my calculation'my edd was match on 40weeks'is it real?buh is pregancy counted by weks or by months'pls i ned a better explanation
Pls mum nd doc is it true dat pregancycare omega3 dnt give blood'pls help.a sister
Dis milk mummies
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Hw gud is dis milk mums'has anyone use it bgor'pls i ned answers thank u
Pls dr nd mum'pls hw do u count ur pregancy per month'(example last period was 25january'do she count 25 February as 1month or do she count it base on 28days normall circle
Hy pretty mum'gudmorning dis my first tym here'hp am wlcm mums
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