Help! My Nipple Hurts
My nipples are in severe pain from breastfeeding. And to top it, baby boy doesn't know when not to bite. I have no idea what I can do to reduce the pain at least. Please don't mention hot compress coz I've done that and it hasn't seemed to improve.
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Speak to a lactation consultant mama, it might be a problem with how the baby's latching
Your breast milk has antibacterial properties mama, you can rub on breast milk to your nipple to ease the pain.
Sorry mama. I think this problem is similar to women with baby boys. Boys naturally suck which causes the nipple to crack and hurt.
You can try natural to put coconut oil on the crack. A little quantity because of the baby though.
Hi mama, have you tried rubbing a small quantity of Vaseline blue seal around your nipple when you're not breastfeeding? I was in similar shoes, and eventually it got better. But remember to clean it off whenever you want to breastfeed him. Then reapply when he is done.