I suffered severe post partum depression. It hit me 10 times harder as a single mum.
I hated myself and everyone else around me but somehow I loved my daughter so much.
I would kill for her if I had to, my child mustn’t suffer. I think most of it stemmed from my fear of being able to provide.
I already lost my job when I was pregnant. I felt like a failure, I hadn’t even started yet. My child must not suffer is all I kept saying, I mustn’t fail her.
So I took to YouTube, watched a video on web design and convinced someone to give me a try and within the space of 1 year, I made almost 20 websites. Even though I was spending most of my money on debts and bills, I still pushed. It was rough a couple of times but I’m still pushing, God gave her to me to motivate me and get me through really dark times and that’s what’s been happening.
Sometimes you don’t even realize how bad PPD can get, people usually add weight post partum, I went from a size 18 to a size 10 in like 6-8 months, that’s how bad it was for me. But I’m thankful for where I am right now.
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Really nice. Don’t relent