Some Pregnancy myths - Debunked (Part 1)

Oreoluwa Folayan Mon 24-Jan-22 23:01:51

During pregnancy, a lot of people come up with different things. Some just want you to be more careful, others are hearsay’s. Here are some popular myths debunked!

1. Eating for 2 - the baby in your womb is a tiny fetus. You only need about 350 extra calories in your second trimester and about 500 extra calories in your third trimester. You do not need to eat so much. Just eat healthily and moderately.

2. Safety pin does not protect your baby from danger. It is so absurd, I have no explanation of why it’s even existent.

3. Sex during pregnancy does not hurt the baby. Unless your doctor forbids you from certain positions or certain rigorous activities, sex is very safe during pregnancy. The baby is tucked away and protected inside many layers. The penis cannot pass the cervix.

4. Pineapples do not induce miscarriage or labour. Although the middle core (most people don’t eat it) of a pineapple contains certain chemicals that when used in large amounts can cause a miscarriage or induce labor. You can eat pineapple in pregnancy as long as you’re not allergic to it. Always remember that moderation is key.

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