Some Pregnancy Symptoms i faced (First Trimester)

Oreoluwa Folayan Wed 19-Jan-22 19:01:43

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey and it can be different for individuals. While some people can go months without knowing they are pregnant, others can experience severe symptoms that could potentially land them in the hospital. Here are some of my pregnancy symptoms that i had to deal with:

- Severe hunger (lasted a week)

- Missed period (of

- Nausea

- Excessive sweating and body odor

- Strong sense of smell, I hated the smell of a lot of things including perfumes and sprays

- I hated looking at screens and it made work a tad difficult for me

- I vomited daily, up to 3times

- I urinated up to 10 times a whole day and as many as 5 times in the night.

- I could not eat a number of things, especially all forms of rice. Junk foods were my go to.

- I was constantly tired and drained. I woke up that way and went to bed that way, every single day.

- I was always spitting in the afternoons and nights only. I always carried a spit bottle around.

- For the icing at the top of the cake, I had a nasty cough that went on for four whole months, well into my second trimester.

In conclusion, pregnancy can be very unique and while you might share some symptoms with some people, you might not always experience certain symptoms. In fact, you can experience different pregnancies each time.

What was your experience like? Or an experience you heard about?

Macybriggs Wed 19-Jan-22 19:01:31 Add Message | Report

I didn't even know I was pregnant till my 22nd week. No symptom except missed period which i over looked because my period is usually unstable

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