Zuria Kay Enterprise

Calabar, Cross River
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Our business involves Fashion Designing, Cakes and Pastry, Catering, Events Management and Decoration
22 TTC Road Ikot-Ansa,, Calabar, Cross River, Nigeria.
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Mon 08:00 am - 06:00 pm
Tue 08:00 am - 06:00 pm
Wed 08:00 am - 06:00 pm
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Hello, My name is Steve Constable and I am a highly experienced digital marketing expert who has developed two online web marketing training courses to help entrepreneurs connect with new customers in both paid search and organic search engine traffic. The cost of the online training courses is only $30. The first course is in mastering Paid Search Administration and can be found here for purchase: https://ppctraining.co.education/details/ PPC Course Details: The Every Click is a Customer System will explain how to acquire the most customer clicks from paid search traffic and how to convert the greatest number of potential customers who visit a website into buyers of your product or service offering. The author Steve Constable has been working in the digital marketing space for over eighteen years and has developed a system from which one can glean the most quality, qualified traffic possible from every dollar spent on customer acquisition. Steve will teach you how to best leverage the open and available technology of Google Analytics, AdWords and Bing Ads to reach out to the largest segment of online customers with your pay per click budget. He has developed powerful theoretical keyword delineation techniques which can work to filter out the unwanted paid search traffic which seeks only information and has no intent to purchase the product or service offering. With the information contained in this PPC and web analytics tracking book you can dramatically increase your revenue and cut out wasted paid search spend. It will also cover usability design techniques which will greatly improve your page design and win over more potential customers. Steve will also explain how to identify a customer persona identity from Google analytics and how to build a page design which will best appeal to this target customer. From start to finish Steve layers the steps one must take to successfully navigate through deep digital marketing waters and come out with a website design and paid search and web analytics configuration which will consistently be a success year after year. The second course is in mastering Search Engine Optimization and can be found here for purchase: https://seoeducation.co.business/details/ SEO Course Details: The Five Pillars of SEO gives entrepreneurs the ability to protect their company domain names from Google penalties and provides a system of how to predict future algorithm changes based on the concept of critical mass. It identifies five core areas of SEO: relevance, authority, site speed optimization, user experience design, and security and what is the general hierarchy of importance of each of these core areas of SEO to search engines such as Google today. Most important of all it provides an in-depth analysis of how to leverage each core SEO area to the maximum to power your company website above your competitors! It also provides insight on how to better manage your SEO projects so that your SEO campaigns can have clarity and focus. It also provides advice on how to hire the right SEO company and what protective measures you can take to insure your company's website domain name maintains a trusted reputation with the search engines (and is safe from the work of the company you hire!). With Google and other search engines cracking down hard on SPAM it has never been a more important time to ensure that your company website is protected from SEO penalties and is the kind of website Google and other search engines would gladly list on the first page. And given the deluge of emails from SEO consultants abroad selling their services it is important that entrepreneurs are better educated on the potential pitfalls that can arise from their services. Before you hand over the company keys to a outsourced SEO company you have not met with in person and have only interacted with on the phone it is highly helpful that you arm yourself with the knowledge contained in this training course so that you do not fall prey to SPAMMY SEO which will penalize and deindex your company website. Sincerely, Steve Constable