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Ma mummies and doctor please my one year old baby only eats her Nutibom oat and milk and am not comfortable with that,I think she is also loosing waight. Please any advice on what to give ,ideas ma pleas
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This is how I prepare mine: rinse the plucked ewedu leaves thoroughly to free it from sand and other contaminants. Place in a pot and add rinsed iru, rinsed crayfish, deboned smoked Titus fish and very minute potash(optional as I don't add most times) and allowed to cook with little water for 2-5min depending on your fire intensity. Afterwards pour all the cooked stuff into an electric blender and pulverized for 20-40sec. Then pour inside a container and add minute salt to taste if not tasty already. That is how I do my rich ewedu for baby with her favorite amala. Hope it's helpful
Momma T
@modupe tanx very much,really appreciate you.
Omoyeni Ibk
Cowbell Tina milk ll make her add weight, give nutrilac too
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