6 years ago
Questions (28)
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My gud Mums in d hus I greet, pls my boy of 9mnths alwys wakes up wit red eyes, while slpin tears do rush down and it can scratch him 4 5mns. Wat do I do pls help o
Baby Care
Pls how do I knw am prgnt wen am not seeing my period, baby is 7 months? Had an unprotected sex last nyt.
Mom's Health
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Hello beautiful mum's, pls I want to introduce friso cereal to my baby of 5mths plus but d instruction on d Cain said don't add milk and i wnt him to also use peak baby, wat do I do? Help a FTM
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Helllo! season greetings to all mums in d hus.My boy is getting to 4mnths and I just strtd feelin some pain and weak wrist over a week now, wat cud be d cus.
Mom's Health
My sweet mums how re we,, pls I need to be cleared. My baby is 10wks old and I HV not strtd seeing my period, just want to knw if it is possible to get pregnant and wat can I do to prevent it
Mom's Health
Wat is going on dis room is really becoming so boring, no response to questions like we used to, all d old members (mummies) as at 5 months ago re no longer here. Why
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Morning to d mummies in d hus, pls a FTM mum needs help o. My 10wks old Baby is having serious cough since yestdy, he didnt even sleep wel last nyt, wat drugs (drops)can i get 4 a fast relief. Urgent ans plssssss,
Baby Care
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Hello mummy's am two months old alrdy, how do I luk
Baby Care
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Pls mums I 4got wen to go 4my TT, can smone help explain wen I was supposed to take it(calculation)
Mom's Health
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Hello beautiful mum's, pls I delivered through CS and is been 3wks now but still feel pain. How long will it take to hill,
Mom's Health
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Helo my happy Mums,pls how long will it take for CS wound to hill and d pain to go away. Wat re d home treatment on it, we re 10days alrdy
Mom's Health
Morning to u mums, plss oo am here again, I was having some discharge of blood and water last nyt, den dis morning I went to see d midwife she said am 2cm but d scan said d baby is 4.4kg bcus of dat dey re afraid of VB, I don't knw wat to do plssss
Mums how re we, pls wat is d meanin of sweep "in labour don't knw d meaning, and pls how do I knw wen am contracting, any idea on d signs of labour pls ooo
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Hello mums, plss dis is my scan result for today, pls explain to me wat it means tanks
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Gud day mothers in d hus, pls ooo ooo am really not comfortable wit d chngs in my unborn child, we re in our 40th wk but ever since I came back from my normal 20mns evening walk last nyt my baby don't kick as he used to just a very slow hrt beat, and d military hospital wch am using will not function till Monday, am really worried my footballer of d yr is no longer active plssss any idea y
Hello mums pls my due date according to scan is on d 29th, but I don't understand my body dis few days, from stooling to very painful cramps even my lower pelvic hurts,my baby hv been on d left side of my bump never chng position wit serious movement pee every 5mns only at nyt, FTM pls help
Hello mums, pls o am really getting tired, 39wks no sign of labour or even to show dat he is getting ready to be out, wat do I do plsssss
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Pls mummy's how do I knw wen d baby engage, num2 qustn, my first Scan said August 29 while scnd scan is saying September 3rd. Confusing Help
Mothers I greet una ooo, pls my pee is as yellow as fanta, I want to my Doc some days back bcus I was feeling feverish and dizziness malaria drugs were prescribed for me wch am still taking but my problem now is d pee color still dsame, 35wks preg wat do I do?
Morning to all d mum in d hus, plsss and pls ooo I don't understand wat is hppnn to me 4 d past 2days now o am 34+3d preg, I feel very dizzy in d day while at nyt I will hav serious fever, wat is going on.waiting 4 a feed back ASAp tanks