2 years ago
Questions (15)
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Pls mum n docs in hs pls wat cn I use for my 4mnth baby downdraught?
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Pls when can I start having sex with my hubby after normal delivery?
Mom's Health
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Gud mrning docs n mum in d hs,pls av nt see any water coming out from my breast n I'm 33weeks preg,I hp ther is no problem?
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Pls can I use folic acid wit pregnant care at 29weeks
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Pls mothers in d hs ,av been avin abdominal pain for lik 3 days now,n av been to d hospital n my doc ask me to do urine test but all came out good n doc ask me to go hm without given me any drug,I hope ther is no problem? I'm 24weeks
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Gud evnin mothers n doc in d hs,pls 190g is okay for d weight of baby at 18weeks?
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Pls doc in d hs,I'm 17week preg but my blood pressure always high,my doc place me on adoment one in d morning n one in d night but now increase to 2 in d mornin n 2 in d night I hope it's safe for me n my baby?
Pls is ginger n pineapple gud for pregnant woman cos I want to make a mix fruits juice n I want to add ginger n garlic,pls is dis gud for pregnant women?
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Hello doc's n mum in d hs,in my 14weeks n im nt feeling any movement of baby,pls is it normal?
Pls mum n doc in d hs is it possible to spot in 12weeks of pregnancy
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Mothers and doc in hs,for my sis dat I said she av big fibroid n she is pregnant,she is avin pain in left side of her tommy pls what can cause it she is 12wks now?
Pls to all mothers n doc,I'm new here n I will lik to ask questions my sis is 12weeks pregnant without any complications now but she is still afraid cos she as 2 fibrous one is big n one is small,cn u pls advice us dat?