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goodevening mummy and doc in the house.pls my daughter will be 6months tomorow and I have decided to started feeding her with this. hope it ok. ur opinion will be appreciated
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Mummy David
Next time mummy, please ask questions bfr u buy. 1)Custard has no nutrient. Its starch,colour,sugar&preservatives. No custard till.she's 1. It will just make her fat & not do what her body needs now which is active brain and body organ development. 2) soya is very very good fr babies. 3) nan1. Just finish this one n move on to nan2. cheers
Osaretin Blessing
@Osezele, tank u very much
Chida Glitaz
@promise121, at different stages babies develop differently so these formulas are produced different to suit every developmental stage. So that means children outgrow d formulas as they grow... If u don't feed her with nan2 at 6months she may not get d appropriate nutrients she needs to develop at this stage.
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