Tagged Questions
Omolade Fatai
You can start deworming a child as from 1 year old. And subsequently, every six months
You can as long as the baby tolerates it
Your baby's weight is okay as it is still within 80% - 120% of ideal weight range but it is important to make sure your baby's weight do not remain static or same or even worse drop below what it was before, those are very bad signs.
Kindly note that your baby is suppose to double his birth weight by 6 months
Kindly note that your baby is suppose to double his birth weight by 6 months
What actually should bother you is not whether your child passes stools after every meal but whether that frequency is abnormal compared to his normal bowel habit. Also what should be your concern is if the stool is watery
Yes, you can give your baby yogurt but the unsweetened is preferable.
Yes she can go ahead and take all the missed vaccines. That is what we call catch-up immunizations.
Boiled is better
This is a self comforting habit for your baby, he/she will out grow and stop it with time.
Dear Mum, No. Do not mix beverage with your baby Pap.
Please hold on till s/he is a year old
Please hold on till s/he is a year old
Please take your child to see a doctor, preferably a paediatrician for proper evaluation and management. The doctor will see the child and probably conduct tests to determine what is wrong with him. Please treat as urgent especially as it makes child uncomfortable.
Also, try and fortify the ones he takes now with required nutrients.
Babies walk at different times.
Kindly see a Paediatrician only if he is not yet walking by 18months. However I am sure he will walk before then.
Kindly see a Paediatrician only if he is not yet walking by 18months. However I am sure he will walk before then.
Brush your child's teeth for about TWO minutes TWICE a day: once just before bedtime and at least one other time during the day. Preferably after breakfast! This I know sounds strange because we've been raised all our lives to brush before eating in the mornings but if you brush your teeth before going to bed at night, then after breakfast is ideal for your next brushing session.
Babies crawl averagely by 9 months but some babies never crawl before walking.
There are many causes of cross eyes in children from nothing to brain problem or issues with the muscles controlling the eyeballs to issues with the eyes itself. Best thing to do is to see an eye doctor... Ophthalmologist once you noticed the cross eyes immediately
You are not to be randomly treating malaria in children mums....pls wait till the child actually have malaria confirmed with a blood test and then you can treat the malaria which the doctor will prescribe the anti-malariadrug .
Your paediatrician should have given you the prescription. Hope the drug was prescribed by your Doctor?. Kindly see your paediatrician to prescribe the appropriate dosage to the antibiotic.
Kindly take the baby back to the hospital immediately and treat this as urgent ...the baby should be on drip if still vomiting until now .....
Please demand to see a paediatrician if possible preferably in a teaching hospital.
Please demand to see a paediatrician if possible preferably in a teaching hospital.