Tagged Questions
Was a malaria test done and malaria confirmed before the initial treatment?
And was it a doctor that prescribed those drugs you've listed?
Please, note that self-medication is not right.
If a doctor did see your son and prescribed the drugs, kindly go back to the hospital and explain you've not seen changes.
And was it a doctor that prescribed those drugs you've listed?
Please, note that self-medication is not right.
If a doctor did see your son and prescribed the drugs, kindly go back to the hospital and explain you've not seen changes.
Did your child undergo laboratory tests before those drugs were prescribed?
All women of child bearing age should have 5 doses of Tetanus Toxoids ... You can take before or during pregnancy.... It is important to prevent neonatal Tetanus in the newborn baby.
Kindly see a doctor for confirmation of the Malaria diagnosis first and the appropriate antimalarials will be prescribed. Nursing mothers can take most of the ACT antimalarials
Ma'am, please check with a thermometer.
Good evening ma'am, did your child test positive to malaria and was this drug prescribed by a medical doctor?
It must have been given at a reduced dosage for your child. Normally, we do not comment on treatment regimen and medications prescribed by your personal doctors for ethical reasons. Pls always clarify issues on medications prescribed with your doctor before leaving the hospital.
No you can't please wait till its confirmed by a blood test that she has malaria before commencing any treatment prescribed by a doctor.
You are not to be randomly treating malaria in children mums....pls wait till the child actually have malaria confirmed with a blood test and then you can treat the malaria which the doctor will prescribe the anti-malariadrug .
You can give like that or you can get a new one. Please make sure you constitute drugs according to instructions.
Hello ma'am, please take the child back to the hospital, let the rashes
be assessed. It could be a drug reaction and it could be something else.
The cause can only be determined after examination. Please treat as
urgent. Best wishes
be assessed. It could be a drug reaction and it could be something else.
The cause can only be determined after examination. Please treat as
urgent. Best wishes

Dr. Dara Abiodun
Medical Doctor
Please do not give your baby antimalarial drugs if they are not sick. Also, all medications should be prescribed by a doctor.
Try see a paediatrician for proper examination and treatment
please do not self medicate. Watch your baby closely, in the event of any change, kindly see a paediatrician. Also, ensure your baby sleeps in insecticide nets and the environment is also clean and protected for mosquitoes.

Dr. Dara Abiodun
Medical Doctor
According to the World Health Organization, Newborns and infants less than 12 months of age are one of most the vulnerable groups affected by malaria. As mosquitoes cause this disease, it is important to keep mosquitoes at bay. Try to keep your home and surroundings free of mosquito breeding grounds, such as stagnant water.
Remove empty containers or old flowerpots where water can collect, especially in the monsoon season. Add a few drops of kerosene oil to coolers, open drains, small ponds and other places where water tends to collect and sleep under a treated mosquito net.
To prevent frequent Malaria, You can follow other preventive measures: Dress your child in light-coloured clothing. Dark colours attract mosquitoes, Dress her in long-sleeved and full-length garments to avoid skin exposure. As far as possible stay in air-conditioned or cool areas. Mosquitoes do not thrive in cold temperatures. Use an age-appropriate mosquito repellent and following the directions on the label. Use mosquito nets while sleeping. Use nets for daytime naps as well when the mosquitoes that carry dengue and chikungunya are circulating.
Remove empty containers or old flowerpots where water can collect, especially in the monsoon season. Add a few drops of kerosene oil to coolers, open drains, small ponds and other places where water tends to collect and sleep under a treated mosquito net.
To prevent frequent Malaria, You can follow other preventive measures: Dress your child in light-coloured clothing. Dark colours attract mosquitoes, Dress her in long-sleeved and full-length garments to avoid skin exposure. As far as possible stay in air-conditioned or cool areas. Mosquitoes do not thrive in cold temperatures. Use an age-appropriate mosquito repellent and following the directions on the label. Use mosquito nets while sleeping. Use nets for daytime naps as well when the mosquitoes that carry dengue and chikungunya are circulating.

Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Registered Midwife
U can especially if he or she isnt feeding well.
Please do not self medicate.