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3 years ago
Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Ondo City, Ondo State
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Mummies do you know taking Ginger in late Trimester isnt good for you. Why?? Ginger has thinning properties, it thins out d blood vessels thereby leading to post Partum hemorrhage i.e bleeding after delivery. So if u are a ginger lover like me, u might want to skip in ur in late pregnancy. Good night Mummies!
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Moms, pls take ur time to read this.....
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Exercises that may help induce labiur naturally.
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Saw this somewhere and i like it... "Lets stop using the word TTC... Here is the right words GTC (Going to Conceive) God has perfected all for us. Amen" Do u think we should adopt this too on this platform?
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Lastly...5. Keep ur environment clean and tidy always.6. Wash ur hands often especially before feeding them and after changing their diapers.
Baby Care
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Teething Part 4 4. Wash ur baby's toys everyday with soap and warm water and don't allow them to share toys with others, especially their teethers.
Baby Care
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Teething Part 3How to prevent "some" of teething problems!1. Breastfeed exclusively - this helps to boost d immune system.2. For babies over 6 months, feed dem with nutritious diets and fruits suitable for their age.3. Buy ur baby a teether chew on, u can even help them put it inside d fridge not freezer o, it helps to soothe their gums.
Baby Care
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Teething Part 2 What causes fever during teething? 1. Pain from d erupting teeth could be responsible for fever during teething periods.2. Weak immune system, when teeth is abt to erupt, there will be weakened immune system for d said period especially with first set of teeth, which makes d baby go down with common sickness often than normal e.g cough, malaria, catarrh.3. Infection- this is mostly caused by putting unhygienic things from the floor into their mouth in order to soothe their gums, this can also cause diarrhea.Incase ur baby has any of any d following signs, see ur doc, he will treat ur baby according to d symptoms he's presenting with.
Baby Care
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Mummies Good morning, i think there's need to talk abt teething in babies briefly bcos I've noticed some mums give teething formula to their babies even when there's no symptoms of illness! First thing to note is each child has his/her own unique milestone, while some babies start teething as early as 3 months, some don't until maybe a year. Do u knw d most of dis teething formula contains just paracetamol and atimes piriton even d overrated Piccan contains mostly paracetamol, so imagine loading their kidneys with drugs.Lets attend to symptoms as they come, if a child has unresolved fever after 24 hrs, see ur doc, a child has cough, diarrhea etc, see ur doctor rather than loading them with medication.
Baby Care
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
In this era of Monkey pox, protect yourself and ur family against this contagious virus by maintaining personal and environmental hygiene e.g wash ur hands often especially before breastfeeding or before handling ur baby's feeding wares, encourage ur older kids to wash their hands often, Dont eat meat from unsure source and eliminate all household rats.
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Sequel to d previous post!How many times am I suppose to take TT?It 5 times, yes 5!1. For example u start at 16 weeks2. Should be 4 weeks after, thats at 20 weeks.3. Should be 6 months after no. 2 then im sure d baby would be born by now, baby will be around 2 months old.4. Should a year after no. 35. Should be a year after no. 4 and that's it! If u complete d 5 doses, it protects u against Tetanus through lifetime, no need to repeat TT vaccine all d time u get pregnant.
Baby Care
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
For a mum that asked and im sure some other mums will benefit from this....Anti-Tetanus Vaccine in pregnancy!Why should I take TT?Tetanus Toxoid (TT) vaccine is given during pregnancy to prevent the risk of tetanus to the mum as well as the unborn baby . Cause of TetanusTetanus is a life-threatening bacterial disease that is caused by the toxin of a bacterium called Clostridium tetani.When should I take TT?It depends on ur health care giver, could be as early as 12 weeks in some facilities, some wait till 16 weeks or even 20 weeks!
Baby Care
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Home remedies for sore/cracked nipple(s)
Breast Feeding
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Hello mummies, who's up for some chat, I've been off duty, would be resuming work tomorrow...Is there any question u would like to ask ur midwife?? I'm all ears
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Ready for some laughs...
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Good day mummies...What are the unimaginable things u craved for while u were pregnant? Did u go for it? Mine was chalk, funny right? But I didn't go for it o! Heard some ppl crave for charcoal even sand...Share ur experiences mummies!
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Rhesus Incompatibility....Mummies do you know ur Rhesus factor?
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
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Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Good morning mummies...let's discuss... What are the signs of true labour?
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