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Hello house. One of the reasons why people default routine hematinics is because they don't feel comfortable taking a lot of drugs."Cestra prenatal cap" taken once daily is enough to take the place of "Tab fesolate, vitamin B.co and folic acid".Check with pharmacy store near you. Good luck.
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TREATMENT "Double dose hematinics" simply by doubling the doses of the earlier listed drugs or by blood transfusion.
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ATTENTION HOUSE 4   If you pcv is low, you might be feeling dizzy and getting tired easily. It can be severe enough to cause breathless and even leads to fainting.
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ATTENTION HOUSE 3   So to prevent anemia and maintain your PCV at level above 30%, your doctor will prescribe this daily medication for you at the antenatal clinic. It's popularly known as routine "hematinic". They're; 1. Tab fesolate 200mg daily 2. Tab folic acid 5mg daily 3. Vitamin B.co 1 tab daily 4. Vitamin c 1 tab daily Eating foods like beans, vegetables, fish and meat will also boost its production.
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ATTENTION HOUSE  2 PCV OF > 30% is Normal. 25% - 29% is mid anemia. 19% - 24% is moderate anemia
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ATTENTION HOUSE 1 PCV. PCV is your "packed cell volume". It is a test done to measure the number of red blood cells in your body. The work of the red blood cells is to carry oxygen from the air you inhale int your lungs and deliver it to all parts of your body. If your PCV is low, oxygen delivery to your baby will be low too and your baby will not get enough oxygen to attain its maximum growth potential and hence will be very small by the time you give birth to him or her. So for this reason, at any point in time, your doctor does not want your PCV to be less than 30%. If your PCV is less than 30%, we doctors call it "Anemia" in pregnancy.
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ATTENTION HOUSE. For Malaria Prevent in Pregnancy1. Tab fansider taking on 2 occasions, 4 weeks apart after quickening. NB. If you're allergic to Tab fansidar, you may need to discuss with your doctor. GOOD LUCK!
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ATTENTION HOUSE. For Malaria Treatment in pregnancy. 1.If your prenancy is less than 13 weeks (ie within the first trimester) and you've been diagnosed to have malaria, your doctor will prescribe Tab chloroquine 4-4-2 to be taken alongside Tab piriton to prevent body itching. 2.If your pregnancy is more than 13 weeks and you've been diagnosed to have malaria, your doctor will prescribe Tab lonart D/s for you. Reason is because tab lonart is not safe in the first trimester (ie first 13 weeks of pregnancy) as it will adversely affect the developing baby but it's safe afterwards.
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ATTENTION HOUSE.All pregnant women MUST take malaria prophylaxis (at least 2 doses, 4 weeks apart) after quickening to prevent having malaria in pregnancy. Quickening is the first noticable movements of a foetus during pregnancy, or the period when this occurs.You should start feeling the movement of your baby in between 18 to 20 weeks if this is your first pregnancy.You should start feeling the movement of your baby in between 16 to 20 weeks if you've been pregnant before.Remind your doctor in your next antenatal clinic visit. Good luck.
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ATTENTION HOUSE. ★If you've had 1 CS, you will be allowed "trial of Labour" if the reason why you had the previous CS is not present in this pregnancy. However, if your labour should fail to progress, CS will done.★If you've had 2 CS, the subsequent deliveries will be by CS.NOTE: Therefore if you've had one CS done before, don't make the mistake of booking your pregnancy in centres where a Caesarean Section cannot be done.REASON: If labour is not progressing Normally, a CS must be done within 30 minutes because the risk that you might rupture your womb become high this moment. Many lives have been lost in this way (both the mother's and the baby). #sob.
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The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be to express. If the milk doesn't flow, place a warm flannel over your breasts to open the ducts, or try expressing while in the bath. Alternatively, express from one breast at the same time as you breastfeed your baby from the other. #breastfeeding
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Refrigerate then freeze your breast milk as soon as you've collected it. Breast milk keeps for three days in the fridge if it is between 5 - 10 °C and for six month in a freezer at -18 °C or below. #Expressingmilk #breastfeeding .
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