Tagged Questions

Body CreamMy child has been using shea butter since birth and he's now a year and half old but I changed his cream to FAIR KIDS last week du...
BODY CREAMMy child has been using shea butter since birth and he's now a year and half old but I changed his cream to FAIR KIDS last week du...
BODY CREAMMy child has been using shea butter since birth and he's now a year and half old but I changed his cream to FAIR KIDS last week an...
EellaPlease what can I use to cure Ella ..just notice it on my baby body.
Good evening
I'm new here and please my baby girl keeps having rashes and too whenever the rashes clears off before you know it...
Black knuckles on babyPls mommies ad doctors in the huz, pls I need a solution on this
I started noticing dat my 3months old fair baby’s knuckles ar...
The dark knuckles could be as a result of various factors. Hereditary, change of products (in this case the body cream).

Closely observe if it could be hereditary, if not, you might have to change your baby body soap and cream to a more baby friendly product.

If there is no changes after doing above, please visit the Hospital to see the doctor
Please can I use dudu osun soap for my baby
Use a softer mild soap for babies
Baby creamBeing using jimpo ori for my dark-skinned 2 moths old baby from birth. But now I am seeing cream reaction on his face. Some part o...
Your baby might be reacting to several other things you are using on his face aside the jump ori. I will advice you get the original blue seal vaseline,it's been tested and proven to even out skin tone. You only need to be consistent and patient with its use.

You might want to check other things you use for you little one - soaps, powder or deodorant (surprised? There are people who use the milder versions). They could add to the skin reactions or uneven tone.
PregnancyCan you detect a week pregnancy with urine test?
Blood test is sure because HCG hormone will be present to detect than urine
Baby RashesMy baby has been battling with rashes since she was three months old and now she would be 7months next week.

We went to the ho...
I think is allergy.
Visit a dermatologist to see if soap/cream is the problem.
Food too
Yellow face babyMy baby's face is becoming yellow on his face and its obvious should I be worried?
How old is your baby?
Pls, my amiable doctors...What age can one know a baby's complexion?
  • Best Answer
Skin colour is genetic...All babies are born fair at birth but the dark ones will eventually become black. It has nothing to do with cream or soap but the melanocytes in their skin.
How can I maintain my baby fair skin without using any chemical products?
You can use any baby cream as long as the child is not reacting to the cream. As stated previously, skin colour is genetic and though most babies are born fair but they wil eventually change to their genetic skin colour NO MATTER THE CREAM USED!!! PLEASE do not use steroids or toning creams in babies o
Itching bodyMy baby of 1year 7months itches her body and that has caused spots on her skin meanwhile the itching hasn't stopped,pls what can I...
At first, you have to be mindful of the environment where your baby sleeps. Consider washing the baby's clothes and beddings with antiseptics like Dettol or salon. Heat could also be a reason. On the temporary, you can use Dusting powder and make sure you take his bath at least twice daily
My 3month old son has red patches on his back, neck, cheeks and ears, it started when he was 2 months.I took him to the doctor and he said its normal with babies of that age and only prescribed vitamin C, I'm worried because more ar...
Please take her Back to the Paediatrician for appropriate management. We do not treat online, thanks. Meanwhile stop al perfumed products - soap, cream , oil...
How can I treat heat rashes on my one month plus baby skin ?
You can use baby tribotan for 7 days. If there's no improvement, You need to see a doctor for proper assessment
Good day mummy's, please which type of cream can anyone recommend for my baby, he his a year plus and very fair, the cream have be...
You can buy Sebamed, Cussons baby or Pears. They are all good products. All the best
My baby of one year skin, around the diaper area seems to be peeling off,,even as much as I try to wear her diaper only twice or o...
No powder pls....it must be something that creates a barrier between skin and urine....powder will be formed into a paste by urine and further irritates the skin..3) allow the diaper area to be exposed to air at times when you are home...don't always cover with diaper...
What's the best cream for my baby's skin to be clear, light, Smooth and lovelyMy babies are 11 months baby and a 3-year-old
For children cream, avoid heavily perfumed products. Use hypoallergenic products like vaseline blue seal without perfume, shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil, Sebamed products e.t.c. The chances of allergic reaction is less with such. You can also use the popular products as long as your children does not react to them.
My 14 weeks old baby mouth is White both the inner chic of the mouth including the lip. What could be the cause?
Dr Aina Johnson


Likely to be Oral thrush, please see a doctor for further evaluation and treatment