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A child of 8yrs that poo green poo, Please what could be the cause?
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding , starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your child's food or drug intake. Also, kindly check your child's food and all intakes generally. If you are still worried you can take your child to the hospital for further evaluation and management.
My baby's poo is army green in colour I think it's cause of the iron in her cereal. I just want to know if there is anything like...
It could be also from the formula especially if rich in iron or if you are on any food supplements drugs or food flavors that can color the stools. Kindly see a Paediatrician for further evaluation
My son poo is greenish what could that be?
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding, starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake.
My baby is having a greenish poo what is the cause and what can I use?
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding, starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your food or drug intake.
My 5-month-old baby is stooling greenish poo with lots of foam on top, is it normal? What can I do about it?
It's not normal. ‘Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding, starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake. Kindly breastfeed exclusively on demand at least every 3 hours and empty one breast thoroughly before switching to the next during feeding. Also, check your food and all intakes generally.
Good day, amiable doctors and moderators in the house...God bless you all for your selfless services. Kindly direct me to a link o...She was given coartem tabs but she vomited about 2 or 3 doses (she has always resisted oral drugs right from birth). Right now, sh...
  • Best Answer
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding , starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake. Kindly breast feed exclusively on demand or at least every three hours and empty one breast thoroughly before switching to the next during feeding...Also kindly check your food and all intakes generally
what can be the cause of a greenish colouration in a baby normal stool? someone said it is due to teething(5months). is this true?...
Dr Aina Johnson


Teething has got no connection with the stool.
My baby is two months old his stool just change greenish colour and somehow slippery
  • Best Answer
Greenish stool suggest inadequate feeding. Please make ensure that baby is getting enough breastmilk. Continue to breastfeed baby on demand.
My baby is 11 weeks old. He has been passing watery stool which is dark yellow. Almost like green.he can change like 7 to 8 diaper...He has also started vomiting sometimes after a feed. He used to be on formula when he was admitted at the hospital but has been di...
Babies on EBF can poo several times daily and sometimes not poo for days.
Stool with Semi formed solids like melon is normal for EBF babies as long as the stools is not watery. That is does not sink into the diaper like urine. Then it's normal
My baby poopoo is greenish and foamy, something like melon is inside, and whenever she want to poo, she always feels discomfort, n...
  • Best Answer
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding, starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake. Kindly breastfeed exclusively on-demand at least every 3 hours and empty one breast thoroughly before switching to the next during feeding...Also, check your food and all intakes generally
My baby poopoo is greenish and foamy, something like melon is inside, and whenever she wants to poo, she always feels discomfort,...
  • Best Answer
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding, starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake. Kindly breast feed exclusively on demand at least every 3 hours and empty one breast thoroughly before switching to the next during feeding...Also check your food and all intakes generally
Hello moms, Please I will like to know what causes baby of two months and 3weeks to poo green faeces, started today and she is on...
There are 2 different types of nappy rashes in broad categories....those due to irritation from the urine and diaper...and those rashes that tend to occur in the nappy areas....It takes a Paed dermatologist to differentiate
My 7-month-old baby has been stooling (greenish and watery) since 4 days ago, an average of 5 times at night, I know used Lomatil...
Most lkely diarrhoea! PLS give ORS and oral ZINC.... and pay attention to hygiene especially regular hand washing and the food intake. Don't give left over foods... Don't use bottle to give cereals.... Make sure the feeding utensils are sterilized as well. If persistent pls see a doctor preferably a Paediatrician preferably in a teaching hospital for thorough evaluation and treatment
What's the cause of an 8months old baby pooing after breastfeeding greenish poo.
Did exclusive for six months and now feeds on...
Dear mom, It is not teething.
My baby of almost 6 months have been pooing for the past days, watery with mucous, greenish sometimes normal colour, and the diape...
  • Best Answer
Meanwhile, continue to give ORS to replace the fluids. If the temperature is above 37.5, you can tepid sponge. While you head to the hospital.
Apart from baby not eating an adequate diet, can teeth make baby poo greenish in colour?
NO, teething has nothing to do with greenish stools.
For five days now I noticed that my three months old baby has been stooling immediately after each meal and it's green..I'm so wor...
Dr. Dara Abiodun

Medical Doctor

Kindly ensure you empty one breast before switching to the other, also make sure your baby is properly attached to the breast.
My 10 weeks baby poo s greenish and frequent ( 4-6times daily), she feeds well n gaining weight.I noticed that the colour changed to yellow when Amplicox was prescribed by d doc wen his 6weeks immunization swelled up but few...
  • Best Answer
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding , starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake.
My baby was having greenish stool last week. I tried to study My breastfeeding method and made sure I empty One breast before offe...Now it's almost 2 weeks I introduce pap with Nan2 along with side rice pudding but his poop has Not changed back to the bright yel...
Greenish coloured stools, also so-called "starvation stools," could be an indicator that a child is not being fed well; that he is starving.
This is so as, suboptimal feeding makes small volumes of food materials to be present in the intestine. Most of these would be absorbed by the body, and what would be present at the distal end of the intestine would just be bile, which would then run through, like water in a pipe, without enough time for intestinal flora to convert Bilirubin to Stercobilin. It would then come out as greenish coloured watery stools.
My 4 months baby has been stooling like light green in colour
Greenish stools suggest inadequate feeding , starvation stools or may also be a reflection of some pigments in your own food or drug intake. Kindly breast feed exclusively on demand or at least every three hours and empty one breast thoroughly before switching to the next during feeding...Also kindly check your food and all intakes generally