Tagged Questions

My baby of 1yr 4months old is growing his first premolar
and I figured cotton won't do much justice at cleaning
anymore, so...
what is the age range written on the brush you used? How hard is the brush?
When can I use a toothbrush for my baby and what kinda, 1year and 2months old baby?
You can use toothbrush as soon as the first tooth is cut. Use just a smear of toothpaste suitable for a one year old. The age range is normally written on the pack of the toothpaste and the brush.
My baby is 21 months+, can I start using brush and toothpaste for her, though some of her teeth are yet to be out. for now, I use...
Dr Aina Johnson


Use age appropriate toothbrush and toothpaste to brush your baby's teeth. Please use just a smear of toothpaste for children under 3 years and pea sized amount for children 3 - 6 years.
Where and what type of brush and toothpaste can I buy for my baby of 10months with 4 teeth
You should use toothpaste with just a smear on the toothbrush for infants and pea-size for toddlers. you can use 'milk teeth' toothpaste it readily available the amount of fluoride in it has been constituted specifically for children as fluoride is very important to prevent tooth decay.
When is the appropriate age to start using a toothbrush for a baby?How best can I clean the babies mouth cos he always cries every morning when I use a soft towel with warm water and a pinch of sal...
  • Best Answer
You can use toothbrush as soon as the first tooth is cut. Use just a smear of toothpaste suitable for a one year old. The age range is normally written on the pack of the toothpaste and the brush.
Pls which toothpaste can I use for my one year old baby?
Milk teeth
My baby of 9 months just started growing her teeth. Is it right for me to continue the use of cotton wool and water or should I st...
  • Best Answer
You can use a soft brush and age-appropriate toothpaste.