Tagged Questions

Chinyere Eze
Your child needs to be examined by a Paediatrician as soon as possible for proper diagnosis and management. Causes of frequent urination are many. Common causes include urinary tract infection, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus etc.
We do not prescribe drugs online. Your child may be having Urinary Tract Infection. Take to the hospital for evaluation and management.
It may be an infection. Kindly see a doctor for proper evaluation including urine laboratory tests for appropriate treatment.
That is a serious complaint, he may have urinary tract infection. Please take him to hospital urgently. They will do urine test and placed him on the right antibiotics as may be necessary.
IT IS NOT OKAY IF URINE OUTPUT IS REDUCED. PLS SEE A PAEDIATRICIAN. One may need to measure the exact amount of urine output. Hope he is taking enough breastmilk as well?
It is not normal for a child to pass urine 4 or 5 times in one hour.
If the child cries or always feel pain while passing urine frequently in addition it is most likely urinary tract infection. Kindly see a doctor for proper evaluation including laboratory tests and treatment.
If the child cries or always feel pain while passing urine frequently in addition it is most likely urinary tract infection. Kindly see a doctor for proper evaluation including laboratory tests and treatment.

Dr Aina Johnson
Hello Mom, Your baby is possibly constipated. Encouraging your child to make simple dietary changes — such as eating more fiber-rich fruits and vegetables and drinking more fluids — can go a long way toward alleviating constipation. If your child's doctor approves, sometimes constipation in children can also be treated with laxatives.

Dr Aina Johnson
It is natural for babies to pee more if they take lots of fluids be it water or juice..
However to be on the safe side and rule out disease conditions that could make children pee a lot and often like diabetes or Urinary tract infection, I will advise you to see a doctor for proper evaluation including urine laboratory tests.
However to be on the safe side and rule out disease conditions that could make children pee a lot and often like diabetes or Urinary tract infection, I will advise you to see a doctor for proper evaluation including urine laboratory tests.
Give him water in a non-threatening way.... Just make the water available in lovely sipy cups and also model by drinking water randomly through the day... Not necessarily immediately after the meals"
There is absolutely nothing wrong with the baby sleeping through the night without passing urine.... Thats one of the criteria for toilet training.... Ability to control the bladder
Anyway what I think is happening here is what we call Buried penis... that's the prepubic fat hides part of the penis.
Most likely she has Urinary tract infection. Kindly take her to see a doctor for proper evaluation including urine lab tests to confirm the infection and appropriate antibiotics treatments..
The most common cause is Urinary tract infection, please kindly take your baby to the hospital for proper monitoring and evaluation

Dr. Dara Abiodun
Medical Doctor
It is not normal for a child to push to pass urine. Kindly take the child to the hospital for proper evaluation and diagnosis.
Once you notice a change in urine frequency of a child, the best thing to do is to see a paediatrician first to rule out urinary tract infection asap.