6 years ago
Questions (131)
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Goodmorning mummies and doctors in the house, pls what can I do to stop frequently vomiting anything that enter my mouth even if is water....pls I need answers am very weak
Happy new year to all mummies and Doctors in the house, wishing all God love and unlimited favour of God this 2018 In Jesu Name Amen!!!
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Good morning mummies and Doctors in the house, pls how much is pregnancycare plus. Need ur answers
Mom's Health
Good morning mummies and Doctors in the house, I don't vomit no morning sickness but I sprit alot and feel so weak...pls what can I do to gain my straight...
Goodevening mummies and Doctors in the house,pls can someone explains more the Important of folic acids on pregnancy.... Pls Answers.
Mom's Health
Good evening mummies in the house, let have fun tonight did u say thank u to ur husband after making love to u.... Comments
Good evening mummies and Doctors in the house, pls I bought this since April when I put to bed I only used it in the hospital since then I have not used it again, should I still use it on my baby or should I throw it away? Pls I need answers
Baby Care
Good morning all,here is it for the woman that want to see it,both the liquid and tablets.
Product and Services
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Happy Sunday to everyone... To the woman that said she want to know how the cream looks like.
Product and Services
Good morning mummy and doctors in the house, i just found out am 2weeks pregnant yesterday and my baby is 8months old, pls which pregnancy care is the best and when is the right time to start taking it.....pls need ur Answers
Mom's Health
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Good evening mummies and doctor in the house, pls have anyone head about this mixture before unripe plantain+liver all grained together and mix it to baby pap, if yes pls how good it is...need answers
Goodevening mummies and doctors in the house.Happy weekend to everyone am 7months old and I can stand on my own,Hope am doing great?
Baby Care
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Good after mummies and doctors in the house... Pls what is the name of that sites or page that I can enter to know more on how to make baby food my baby is 7m+....pls answers
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Good afternoon Mummies and doctors in the house, pls when is the right time or which month can someone treat her baby Malaria...my baby is 7m+ and I have not treated her for once....pls I need answers.
Baby Care
Good evening mummies and doctors in the house....pls has anyone used this milk and how good it is?....pls Answers
Who else is online by this time....Say Hi
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Good evening mummies and doctors in the house,pls I want to start adding crayfish to my babies pap..pls how good it is..pls I need answers.
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Good morning beautiful mummies and wonderful doctors in the house.. Pls my period started 1'Oct and ended 4'Oct since after delivery(28days cycle)pls which data are my going to see it again this month? Very urgent...
Baby Care
Good afternoon mummies and doctors in the house...pls I want to treat Malaria what is the best drugs to use?...and my baby will be 7months next months I want to conceived again because my husband will travel out again what is the best drugs to use that will help me conceive again?....pls I need answers....
Mom's Health
Which one did u enjoy when u are pregnant.... Comment just for fun....
Mom's Health
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