6 years ago
Questions (5)
Answers (48)
Posts (5)
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Good afternoon mothers. Please help suggest suitable cartoons for my baby boy. I intend to buy some CDs next week. Thanks.
Good evening mums. Please my three month old son has had this since he was two months. Pls has anyone had this experience and what was used to clear it. I've used Baby Tribotan, Cacatin, Shea butter, still I haven't seen changes.
Baby Care
Good morning dear sisters. Happy Easter celebration. Thank you for your responses so far. They've been helpful. Another question again o. My son has something like dandruff on his scalp, especially the front hair. It started few days ago. Please what's the cause and solution? Thank you.
Baby Care
Warm greetings! Please how do I free my son's blocked nostrils. I've tried the local method (sucking with my mouth) but I don't seem to be getting it right because nothing comes out. He doesn't have a runny nose neither is there phlegm in his nostrils. But when he takes a long breath, I hear the sound of catarrh in his nose. Please help a concerned mother. Thank you.
Baby Care
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Good evening everyone. I really love this platform. Please my two month old son has rashes on his back. They are as big as pimples and very painful. The doctor prescribed Amoxicilin and Tribotan cream. It's working but his skin is peeling/drying up. What cream can I use for his skin? I seem to be confused at the moment. Thank you for your anticipated responses.
Baby Care
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