6 years ago
Questions (17)
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Hello mothers, I have a daughter of 2+ she talks well n sound, she's quite smart and beautiful but the issue here is this she talks right back at every body and can be rude, you cant tell her to keep quite cos she wouldn't even listen. She's always insistent on what she wants n can bring down the roof for it. It embarrasses me alot. Personally I am on the quite side. Can anyone relate? How do I curb this?Some times people make me feel I don't beat her enough. Let's discuss
Docs and mothers I have come again. Is it OK to allow my baby take cereal at the day care then only breast milk at home? I pick him by 2pm or I should still give cereal at home?At the day care he Feeds twice on cereal ,hope it's OK? And how often should he feed? Response pls.
My baby doesn't take bottle feeder.I go to work even the milk I expressed he won't take. What do I do mothers?
Dear mothers and doctors in the house.My son is five months already and we ve been on exclusive but now I have to resume a new job on Monday as from 7am to 4pm.I don't trust my expressing much. Am considering supplementing but I don't know either to start on cereal or just milk for this one month remaining.Share your ideas pls.
Pls mothers and doctors in the house. What is ila? My baby's hair is scraping, though he's quite fair but the person who noticed it said his scalp is white n that is the ila. I don't quite know it n it's giving me concern.
Baby Care
Pls doctors and mothers in the house.Any one with an idea of supplement or multivitamins for a child of two years, my girl is a picky eater and eat a little.
Baby Care
Here we are at three month. Glory to God
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Pls my first child is coughing and now it has gotten to the younger brother who's just 2 months, now have read severally that most of the drugs for cough are not suitable for children at his age, and that cough are viral infections that goes on it own. Now do I only treat the grown up one? Or what do you advice mothers?
Baby Care
Pls mothers in the house, my breast is very sore, moist, red and painful I need practical solution for it, the second one is becoming red too from over sucking, pls it's our only food for now and we are just 9weeks.
Mom's Health
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Good day house, pls what can I use for my baby of two months who has oral thrush that is white patches in his mouth?Pls help.
Baby Care
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Good day doctors and mothers in the house. pls I need ideas n suggestions on this....... Now I had my baby 7th of April and then on the 17th of May I saw blood stains n it became like a normal menstrual flow for like 5-6 days n it stopped, my concern now is this on the 5th of June I started seeing blood stains, is very light and not heavy to this very moment. Though I feel crappy. Note am on exclusive breastfeeding, baby is two months today, and for my first baby period returned after 6months.Any idea on what could be wrong?
Mom's Health
Help pls, my baby is barely 3 weeks old n he there's rashes all over his body n acne like on his face, we use sudocreme don't know if it's OK.
Baby Care
Mummies thanks for your swift responses always.Pls what exactly causes low milk supply in some mothers?My baby is 3days old n I feel am not lactating enough cos he keeps crying, besides I want to go on exclusive breastfeeding.How can I improve it?
Hello mothersI just had a baby 3 days ago, the pregnancy coexisted with fibroid and after delivery my stomach is looking as though am still pregnant, how can I help this?
Mom's Health
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