7 years ago
Questions (7)
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Good morning doc and mum in the huse pleas help me out my baby of two months plus has boils on his head is it normal please
Baby Care
Good day mum and doc in the house please help me out of this question I did pap for my baby last night @about 7pm and I turned it inside a flask and is still very hot till now is it still safe for my sons of 2months plus to still take it coz he stopped taking breastmilk so he enjoy eating the pap I await your answers please #love you all#
Happy weekend to my lovely mom and docs in the house please I need your advice I gave 8weeks ago true cs and the months I started experiencing yellowish discharge from my body and is my first time to experience sure is it normal or Wat can I doAnd secondly Wat can I do to reduce my tummy please
Mom's Health
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Good evening doc and mummies in the house please I need advice please,my son of 7weeks old has refused to take breast milk from child birth please can I start with Pap or custard now coz the milk he feeds on don't sustain him any longer advice please
Good day mom and doc please I need help ooo am a new mother and my son is 4weeks plus but since last night he can't poo and he has been in pain and crying since morning please any experienced mom should kindly share with me on Wat can be done thank you as I await your prompt responses
Baby Care
Hello mummies and doc thank you all for your last responses to my questions but still yet my baby of 3weeks old refuse to suck my breast but if I extract he takes from his feeder so please want to know how to preserve the breast milk and how long will it start that will be safe for baby thank you
Breast Feeding
Hello mummies and doc am new here please I need an advice or help my baby is 3weeks plus but up till now my breast milk is not coming out and my baby refused to suck it either so what can I do pls thank you
Breast Feeding
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