5 years ago
Questions (8)
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Hi moms and docs.My baby is on Ebf almost 6 months which formular do you suggest I introduce out of this: cow and gate, peak 123,aptamil or nan 2. And also pap or rice cereal which is best to start with. Ftm please I'll be waiting for your response.
Please my baby of 4months is purging and he's on EBF. It started after I ate ishi ewu,I don't know if is as a result of the ishi ewu or could it be signs of teething cos his gum is really itching him. 2) can a breastfeeding mother eat egwusi soup.
Baby Care
Good morning docs and moms. Please is it ok to also give water when on EBF because people say water is another class of food.
Hi moms and docs. My baby of seven weeks has not poo pooed in 5 days should I be Worried plus we are on exclusive. Please immediate response will be appreciated
Baby Care
Good day moms and docs in the house,please I need urgent suggestion on the most durable and efficient breast pump.
Product and Services
Good day docs and moms in the house please my newborn is down with colic,he keeps stretching and cries a lot,I want to know which medicine works better to relieve the pain, gripe water or infacol??
Baby Care
Hi moms and docs please what medication can I take for cold(catarrh) and soar throat, am 35 weeks gone.
Mom's Health
Good morning moms and doctors in the house. Please I have a pressing issue, I am 21 weeks gone and since I found out that I am expecting I have had zero sex urge up until now and its becoming an issue,I want to know if is normal? if anyone is going through the same or has gone through it? Thanks in anticipation for your response.
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