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Good morning mom and doc please I need your urgent reply my baby is teething, he is having slight fever and stooling please what can I use to stop the stooling he stool most times.
Baby Care
Please as he is stooling make sure you give plenty water, ors and zinc.... For the fever panda is OK.... Finally please see a doctor for best prescription and dosage. Thank you
Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Aw old is ur baby? And i hope hes not weak.
Joy Kure Abumere
Dear sister, if your baby is stooling and has fever pls see a doctor, like play like joke I de hospital since Friday so, baby started with slight fever we bought antimalaria the next day stooling join, we manage the third day no be my eye I enter hospital. Though he was tested for malaria n acute guy got so week n restless, crying without tears which means dehydration. We the go home tomorrow in Jesus name. Note pls: I haven't said you will go on admission . Kisses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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