How many times in day should I be giving 17months old baby food?
Dear ma,
Increase food quantity as the child ages–while maintaining frequent
• Provide 6–8 month old infants approximately 200 kcal per day from
complementary foods.

• Provide 9–11 month old infants approximately 300 kcal per day from
complementary foods.

• Provide 12–24 month old children approximately 550 kcal per day from
complementary foods.

Local research is needed to determine the best combinations of foods and
practices to achieve these levels of energy intake.
Increase feeding frequency as the child ages

• Feed 6–8 month old infants complementary foods 2–3 times per day.

• Feed 9–11 month old infants complementary foods 3–4 times per day.

• Feed 12–24 month old children
complementary foods 3–4 times per day.

• Offer nutritious snacks 1–2 times per day, as desired.