I noticed my 15months son is purging and his poo has something like catarrh in it when I checked it because its stretches. He is having Catarrh and co
  • Best Answer
Please do not self medication
Most cold and catarrh are viral infections that will be left to run its course. "For catarrh,
Keep your baby warm. Adequate hygiene around baby is expedient.
If nostrils are congested, u can buy saline drops to help relieve congestion or do steam inhalation (both of you will have to do it) If no improvement, kindly consult with a paediatrician for further assistance". Additionally, you can learn some tips on how to manage cough and cold here.
Diarrhoea causes having frequent loose watery stools. It occurs when the fluid cannot be absorbed from the contents of an individuals bowel or when extra fluid is secreted into the bowel causing watery stool. Usually, it could be a symptom of bowel infection called Gastroenteritis which can be caused by some harmful microorganisms that may result from food poisoning I.e drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food.
It could be Acute or Chronic Diarrhoea.