5 Remedies To Manage Morning Sickness In Your First Trimester


The first trimester of pregnancy manifests as several signs and symptoms. Nausea and vomiting, also known as morning sickness, is a common condition in this stage of pregnancy. Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day. It usually starts in week 5 and may worsen along week 9.


While these vary for different pregnant mums, morning sickness is draining and physically exhausting. In this article, you’ll learn more about incorporating simple remedies to manage morning sickness in pregnancy.



Causes of morning sickness


There’s no exact known cause of morning sickness. Hormonal changes play a significant role, and in some cases, lower blood sugar also plays a role. Note that morning sickness varies for different pregnancies. 


Morning sickness cannot harm or hinder your baby’s growth and development. However, severe morning sickness known as hyperemesis gravidarum causes electrolyte imbalance and excessive weight loss. Some women may lose up to 5kg. It often requires intravenous fluids for dehydration. 




5 remedies for managing morning sickness 


Morning sickness can be emotionally and physically draining. While these may not stop you from experiencing nausea and vomiting, they’re excellent at helping you manage morning sickness.


  • Drink enough fluids

Whatever you like, whether water or fruit juice, ensure you stay hydrated. Drinking enough fluids helps you because the more dehydrated you become, the more nauseous you feel. Squeeze a few oranges if you can, or buy fruit juices.


  • Eat in portions

Overeating or being overfull may trigger your nausea. Eating in small portions at different times of the day is best. Feast on snacks and bland foods like crackers, nuts or dried fruits to pass away time. During bedtime, have a quick snack to help maintain your blood sugar.


  • Ginger

This versatile spice is a great way to suppress your nausea. You can drink ginger tea or spice up your water with bits of fresh ginger. The strong aroma helps prevent nausea and vomiting. Buy ginger sweets, ginger biscuits or ginger teas.


  • Rest

While this may seem like a regular activity, lying down to rest does wonders in managing morning sickness. Take deep breaths while you lie on your back.


  • Walk

Walking around the house can help release your body from nausea and vomiting triggers. It also increases blood flow.



Morning sickness occurs in almost every pregnant woman. To help you manage it, find your triggers and avoid them. Have regular snacks and eat bland foods to counter the triggers.



Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  1. Can I take medication for morning sickness?

Consult your doctor before consuming any medication to help you manage morning sickness.


  1. Can prenatal vitamins cause nausea?

Some pregnant women may feel nauseous when they take prenatal vitamins. If you fall in this category, try prenatal gummies for a change.


  1. Can I take mint-flavored sweets?

Mint flavoured sweets can help reduce the smell of vomit and help elevate your mood. 



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