Basal Body Temperature: How Do You Chart It?

We've answered your most frequently asked questions on infertility and how to aid your conception journey.


How can I be more fertile?

One of the ways to increase your fertility level is to be aware of the dos and don’ts of fertility.


Fertility awareness offers a collection of methods using your body’s natural functions to determine the days of the month you are most likely to get pregnant.


It is also called Natural Family Planning (NFP), and other variations include the Sympto-Thermal Method, Ovulation Method, and Billings Method.


How to use the calendar/rhythm method to calculate fertility?

Fertility awareness is becoming familiar with your menstrual cycle and to begin charting your fertility pattern. The average menstrual cycle is between 28 to 32 days.


What is basal body temperature and how do I chart it?

The basal body temperature method helps identify a temperature change that occurs after ovulation and remains elevated until your next period. 


By looking at charting from a few cycles, your temperatures can reveal a pattern from which you should expect ovulation.


The steps below can help you as you begin to track your temperature and identify when you are ovulating. Find out more on how to chart. 


Can the cervical mucus method indicate how fertile I am?

The consistency of your cervical mucus changes during your menstrual cycle. In the average cycle, after a 5-day menstrual flow, there are about 3 to 4 dry days. The mucus wetness increases daily, lasting approximately 9 days until the wettest day.


 You can easily recognise your mucus at this point. It should be slippery, clear, stretchy, and like egg whites. Ovulation generally occurs within 1-2 days of your peak day of stretchy mucus.


What is the effectiveness of fertility awareness?

When done correctly and consistently, it may reach rates of effectiveness of around 90% depending on how effectively you track and record your fertility pattern. Stopping any form of birth control during your fertility window is vital.


Can diet improve my fertility?

Diet and lifestyle changes are one of the determining factors of fertility. Various research has revealed that good, healthy diets and lifestyle changes can help boost fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant faster. 


What kind of diet can help me get pregnant faster?

  • Consume foods rich in antioxidants, like folate and zinc.
  • Eat larger and richer breakfasts.
  • Eating a substantial breakfast may help women with fertility problems.
  • Avoid trans fats while consuming healthy fat.
  • Cut down on carbohydrates and eat more fibre.
  • Take multivitamins.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Rest and relax properly.
  • Increase your iron Intake.
  • Consume iron supplements.
  • Avoid excess alcohol and hard drugs.


If you’re trying to get pregnant, you must begin to track your ovulation, know how fertile you are and make healthy nutrition and lifestyle choices. Make a healthy choice towards your conception journey. 

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