Health Benefits Of Cashew Nuts During Pregnancy


Pregnancy cravings can make pregnant women look like the odd one out. Well, it's just their hormones playing a fast one on them. If you're a pregnant woman and you love eating nuts, you're probably wondering if cashews are safe in pregnancy.

This article will detail the nutritional components and benefits of cashew nuts in pregnancy.



Nutritional component of cashew nuts

Cashew nuts are packed with lots of vitamins to help you through the pregnancy period. Some of these include;

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Fats
  • Dietary fibre
  • Iron
  • Vitamin K
  • Copper 




Health benefits of cashew nuts during pregnancy 


  • Controls lipid profile during pregnancy: Pregnant women are susceptible to gestational diabetes. Eating a handful of cashew nuts may help control lipid and cholesterol levels during pregnancy.


  • Prevents anaemia: Anaemia is common during pregnancy. Cashew nuts are high in iron, thereby reducing the chances of fatigue and developing anaemia. Cashew nuts do this by promoting the production of red blood cells in the body.


  • Prevents constipation: Constipation is normal during pregnancy because of hormonal imbalance and consumption of prenatal vitamins. Cashews are high in dietary fibre and magnesium which aids bowel movement, preventing constipation.


  • Rich in calcium: Cashew nuts are rich in calcium. Hence, they aid in bone and teeth development in the growing foetus. They also reduce muscle spasms and migraines in most pregnant women.


  • High in folate: Folate is vital for foetal development and it's in high levels in cashew nuts. Folate partakes in the development of the heart and circulatory system of the growing foetus. 


Cashew nuts are one the most healthy and nutritious nuts. For pregnant mums, cashew nuts are much more than a snack but a powerhouse of nutrients. You can add them to your oats, or eat them as a snack when you feel nauseous. Be cautious of any allergic reaction after eating cashew nuts. 


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  • Can cashew nuts help reduce blood pressure?

Cashew nuts cannot reduce blood pressure during pregnancy. Follow your doctor's medication and avoid foods high in salt, eat fruits rich in vitamins, and rest when necessary.


  1. Can I take cashew nuts for fertility?

Cashew nuts are generally safe for any purpose. However, there is no scientific backing to prove that eating cashew nuts helps with fertility.


  1. Can I eat cashew nuts as a breastfeeding mother?

Cashew nuts are safe during and after pregnancy. Stop consumption immediately when you notice an allergic reaction. 


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