Health Benefits of Goron Tula In Women 

Goron Tula is a relatively popular fruit in Gombe state. If you're trying to conceive or dealing with infertility, there are certain fruits you can consume to nourish your reproductive system.


Generally, infertility refers to couples who have had unprotected sex after 12 months of marriage without getting pregnant. Coupled with your medication, you may use fruits and vegetables to improve your sexual health while undergoing clinical treatment. Goron tula is one such fruit. 


What is goron tula?

Goron Tula is a chewy fruit endemic to the northern part of Nigeria. It is primarily grown in Tula kaltungo, a local government in Gombe state. Gordon tula is scientifically known as Azanza garckeana


In the Western world, it goes by names such as snot apple, tree hibiscus, and African chewing gum. It is a significant component of the popular sexual enhancer, kayan mata


The seeds and pulp are rich in nutrients required to boost sexual performance. Goron tula is a known aphrodisiac in northern Nigeria. It has proven to have immense benefits in boosting the female reproductive system.


Nutritional components of goron tula

  • Ascorbic acid
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • Phosphorous 
  • Crude fibre
  • Carotenoids 


Benefits of goron tula to the female reproductive system  

Since it's a known potent sexual enhancer, you may decide to chew on a few fruits. Some of the potential benefits for females include:


  • Fight vaginal bacteria

A bacterial infection causes an imbalance in the acidity of the vagina. Goron tula cleanses the vagina and fights off wading bacteria. It promotes the growth of average vaginal floral and Ph balance. 


  • Increases cervical mucus

Some women dealing with infertility might also experience a dry vagina. It makes it difficult for proper penetration and flow of semen during sexual intercourse. The mucus is egg-white in colour, enabling sperm to swim and survive in the cervix before moving to the uterus and the fallopian tube. 


  • Enhances ovulation

Gordon tula has a rich source of magnesium which promotes better ovulation. Magnesium deficiency increases stress levels, and stress prevents ovulation from occurring in women. 

  • Regularize menstruation

Gordon tula may help to maintain regular menstruation. Irregular periods slow down the conception process. 


How to consume goron tula 

  • Wash the fruit properly with clean water
  • Remove the ball-like core to reveal the fleshy pulp
  • Chew on the pulp and slimy liquid 
  • You can make juice from goron tula by soaking it for 15 minutes. Mix the juice with lemon or pineapple juice for a better sexual experience. 


Before consuming goron tula for sexual health, chat with your healthcare professional—purchase goron tula from clean and hygienic sources. Do not depend on goron tula alone to make your conception journey faster. You still need your medications for better treatments. 

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