How Much Does a Pregnancy Ultrasound Cost in Nigeria?

An ultrasound offers you the first view of your baby. It enables you to evaluate your baby's anatomic structure, especially the head and heart



What is a Pregnancy Ultrasound?


Medical ultrasounds employ imaging methods to create an image of the body's internal structure, such as muscles, blood vessels, and internal organs


A prenatal ultrasound uses sound waves and a computer screen to show a picture of the baby inside the womb and other parts of your womb. 


Types of Ultrasound 


There are several ways an ultrasound technician can perform an examination. The examination is carried out depending on the pregnancy stage you are at and the use of results by your health provider.


Transabdominal ultrasound: This is the primary test that requires you to have a full bladder. A transducer (the electronic device placed on your belly) is placed on your abdomen to view your baby. It helps sound waves move more efficiently to get a clearer image of your uterus. 


Transvaginal ultrasound: A transducer shaped like a wand is placed inside your vagina (birth canal) to examine your uterus and baby. This examination is usually done in the early stages of your pregnancy when it is too early to get a clear image with a transabdominal ultrasound. 


Doppler ultrasound: It checks and measures your baby's blood flow in the umbilical cord and some of its blood vessels. 


3-D ultrasound: This takes a 3D image of your baby that is almost as clear as a photograph. This type of ultrasound can detect abnormalities in your baby's face and confirm that your baby's organs are growing normally. 


4-D ultrasound: This is just as clear as a 3D ultrasound, but it shows your baby's movement in a video. 


Fetal echocardiography: This ultrasound captures an in-depth image of a baby's heart. It is usually performed when the doctor suspects a baby may have a congenital heart defect. It shows the heart's size, shape, and structure. It helps to diagnose heart problems. 


Is an Ultrasound Compulsory During Pregnancy? 


The world health organization recommends one ultrasound scan before the 24th week of pregnancy as part of routine antenatal care.


Ultrasound is a reliable method to confirm you are pregnant. Ultrasound is critical as it helps you detect problems in your pregnancy early. Here are reasons you should have an ultrasound:



  • Ultrasound helps your healthcare provider see how your baby grows and develops in the womb. 


  • It helps your doctor determine your due date.


  • Healthcare providers use ultrasounds to detect early if other tests need to be made to check your baby's health. 


  • Ultrasound helps you discover your baby's gender. 


  • It helps check the position and the number of babies you are having. 


Ultrasound is the first step to discovering if your baby has a congenital disability and other pregnancy complications like ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. An ultrasound would draw your doctor's attention to the possibility of these things, and other tests would then be performed to confirm it.



What to Expect


Most women get their first ultrasound in the second trimester of their pregnancy. 


When preparing for an ultrasound, you can expect to be asked to come with a full bladder. Except the ultrasound is going to be a transvaginal one. 


A full bladder helps to give your doctor a clearer view of your reproductive organs and baby. An ultrasound would take 20 minutes or less and is most comfortable and painless. 


For transabdominal ultrasound, a cool water-based gel is rubbed over your belly. And with transvaginal ultrasound, the transducer is lubricated for easy insertion and comfort. 


When Should You Go for an Ultrasound Check? 


Medical guidelines firmly state that an ultrasound during pregnancy should only be performed when there is a medical reason.


Most healthy women have two ultrasounds during pregnancy. The first is done to confirm pregnancy. And the second ultrasound, a transabdominal ultrasound, is usually around 18-22 weeks to ensure a baby's sex, proper development, and growth and to confirm your expected delivery date. 


Experts advise you to get your ultrasound at an accredited facility. "An unaccredited facility can miss something or pick up something that will upset you, but it's not there," says Dr. Beryl Benacerraf, professor of radiology and obstetrics at Havard medical school of Boston. 


How Much Does an Ultrasound Cost in Nigeria?


Ultrasound and other antenatal care are cheaper at government-owned hospitals in Nigeria. There is a significant price difference between government-owned and private hospitals/clinics. 


In 2023, an ultrasound scan would cost between #5000 - #20,000.


Remember to visit accredited facilities for this procedure. Relax and ask all the essential questions about your baby at the end of your ultrasound. Stay PreggySafe!


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