Is It Safe To Eat Paw Paw During Pregnancy?


Eating sufficient fruits during pregnancy is always recommended. Fruits contain the right amount of vitamins and should be taken occasionally.


This article will focus on pawpaw, its nutritional content, benefits, and safety for your health and your baby's development.


Maintaining a healthy diet is given great consideration during pregnancy. 


Pawpaw or papaya is mostly native to central and southern America. They grow in tropical climates.


Nigeria being in the tropical belt, is a higher producer of pawpaw. The large oval-shaped fleshy fruit is packed with so many nutrients.


Aside from being eaten alone, it serves various other culinary purposes. It can be used as smoothies, incorporated into salads, or added to a dish like rice.


Nutrients found in ripe pawpaw


  • Vitamins A and C
  • Potassium 
  • Phosphorus 
  • Calories
  • Manganese 
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Copper 
  • Folate


It contains significant zinc, pantothenic acid, lutein and zeaxanthin, vitamin K, riboflavin essential amino acids, and niacin. 


Compared with other fruits, pawpaw has a higher protein content that harbours the right amount of amino acids.


Health benefits of pawpaw


  • Contains fibre and antioxidants that help relieve constipation and digestive issues common during pregnancy.
  • The adequate intake of certain nutrients reduces the risk of developing asthma. One of these nutrients is beta-carotene which is contained in pawpaw.
  • It serves as a source of energy during pregnancy. Choline is a nutrient found in pawpaw that aids muscle movement, assists the body in sleep and maintains the structure of the cellular membrane.
  • The presence of folic acid, beta-carotene, contributes greatly to your baby’s neurological development.
  • Consumption of well-ripened pawpaw builds the red blood cells, increasing the haemoglobin level and inhibiting anaemia.
  • The vitamins in pawpaw control the chances of being prone to infection and minor diseases by boosting the immune system.
  • The antioxidants and vitamin C properties prevent the oxidation of cholesterol, thereby fighting off and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Sufficient intake of vitamin K improves calcium absorption, contributing to the development and strengthening of the bones.
  • The antioxidant content helps shield against colon cancer, a type of cancer located at the digestive tract’s lower end.




Eating pawpaw during pregnancy: Safe or not?


Throughout your pregnancy, recommendations are given on what to eat and what not to. While some foods may be healthy, others may not be.


Eating pawpaw during pregnancy is very much safe if it is ripe. Its vitamin C and other mineral content have proven essential to your and your baby’s health.


However, there is a condition attached to it. It has to be fully ripe. Health experts suggest that the unripe pawpaw needs to be avoided to be on the safe side.


Below are some of the reasons unripe or semi-ripe pawpaws should be kept at bay:


  • Unripe or semi-ripe pawpaw has a concentrated form of latex  (the white milky fluid) contained in it, which could be very dangerous as it tends to trigger uterine contraction.
  • This postulation was obtained from research carried out on a pregnant rat.
  • Although there are speculations on the intake of unripe pawpaw-inducing miscarriage, this could be controversial as no study has been able to give it a bearing
  • Since the early stage of pregnancy is the most delicate, eating it in the first trimester may result in a haemorrhage from the placenta's edge and weaken the membrane around the fetus.
  • You should be patient until you have advanced and have gotten a go-ahead from your doctor.
  • There’s a restriction in fetal development as a result of the pepsin and papain present in the raw pawpaw. It also poses potential harm to the embryo.




Whatever is taken should be consumed in moderation. Unguarded consumption of ripe pawpaw can cause a stomach upset.


Do well to check and be sure it isn’t overripe and contaminated. If you are concerned about the one suitable for consumption, we advise you to stay off completely and replace it with less complicated food.


If you also experience any allergic reaction following your intake, kindly pause and consult your gynaecologist or obstetrician.


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