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Evening mummies and doctors in the house. My mother in law came and said my baby isn't increasing in size, i want to ask if she isn't increasing as a result of sex cos am already meeting with my husband, she'll be 2months by august 5, and what can i use for her to increase in size. Thanks in anticipation.
Baby Care
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Mummy Ambless
Sex had nothing to do with ur baby increasement just feed the baby very well if u are on Ebf,but if not buy good formula feed her and breastfeed her as well allow the baby to sleep very well too....
Esther Emem Inyang
My sister it has nothing to do with sex, some babies don't just increase immediately just keep feeding her very well, if you are on EBF,feed her on demand.
Olabisi Eniafe-olayiwola
feed her on demand... and u cud as well tume hee feeding like every 3hrs
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