7 years ago
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Gudevening mummies.my baby is a 1 year n 2 weeks n he is yet to walk.he can hold sometin n move around d wol house but to leave it is problem.pls mummies am worried.wat can I do.he uses baby walker too.pls I need ur advice.
Gud day mums n doc in d house.pls I need urgent response pls.my ten months old baby is having running stomach.his stool is somehow watery n sticky.pls apart from emgyl which I started giving yesterday which other drug can I give him DAT will work very fast.can peppery stew affect babies feaces?plss urgent reply.tnx
Baby Care
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Gudafternoon mummies n Docs in d house.please i went to evening fellowship last week n I don't know how mosquitoes penetrated my baby's socks n bite him on his legs.since den d mark is there n somehow black in colour with d spots on his legs.please wat can I use to remove it n heal d spot.Please i need urgent reply cos am worried.tnx lovelies
Baby Care
Good evening mums n doc in d house,I went for my baby's 9month immunization today and he is weighing 8.50kg.Am worried cos d weight is too small in my eyes.what do u thinks mummies am worried.
Mummies n Doc gudevening.pls am a ftm and I have been hearing abt chicco product pls how much is it.I mean d price.
Product and Services
Please mummies n Doctors in d house,my Eight months old baby is teething n he opens his mouth often.D down teeth is out is while d up one is shooting out small small.Pls mummies am worried cos he opens his mouth often n my second job this days is to close it for him only for him to open it again.Pls will he stop it when d teeth is finally out.Pls am worried.
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Sweet mummies and Doc in d house gudmng.please can a baby of 8months take abidec.
Good day mummies n docs in d house.my baby is teething and having a very high fever only in d midngt but subsides in d mng.I have gone to hospital n malaria was treated last week but last ngt I did not sleep at all NCOs of d fever.wat should I do please cos am bothered.
Baby Care
Good mummies n doc in d house,please my baby is 7mnths old n he is teething.last week he started having slight cough n cattaarh and I noticed his temperature was high on Thursday ngt so on Friday I took him to hospital n treated malaria for him.But uptill now he is still having d cough n cattaarh but not too bad.wat ealse will I do mummies please
Baby Care
Please mummies and Doctors in the house,which cream is good for babies and also affordable.my baby is 7months old.
Product and Services
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