Tagged Questions
Itchy gums could be symptom of a child about to cut the first set of teeth. Please do not give teething powder or mixtures
Teething doesn't cause hoarse voice. The voice will resolve naturally
The first teeth can come out at the side of the tooth,pls worry-less
Teething does not make babies to fall sick because it is a normal physiological process.
Never assume teething is the cause of illness in infants. Always go to the hospital for proper evaluation.
Never assume teething is the cause of illness in infants. Always go to the hospital for proper evaluation.
Please do not give bonababe or any teething mixture it's a dangerous practice.
It’s not ideal to give babies teething powder
There are a few reasons why bleeding can occur in a child's mouth at this age, it could simply be a new tooth growing (erupting) or it could be inflammation of the gum (this can happen if his teeth are not brushed daily) or it could be a herpes simplex virus infection among other things. My recommendation is take him to see a dentist or paediatric dentist so they can give you the exact diagnosis. On a final note to everyone who's reading this, if you noticed you or your child bleeding from any other part of your body, say your eyes for example without any prior injury, you wouldn't ignore it. Please do not ignore bleeding from yours or your child's mouth or gums, it is NOT NORMAL and can have serious consequences. Blood by design, is supposed to stay inside the body, when we see it outside for no apparent reason we should be concerned and find out why.
Please do not give bonababe or any teething mixture to your baby it is a dangerous practice. Teething is a normal physiological process.
If fever is confirmed,give paracetamol.
If fever is confirmed,give paracetamol.
Dear Mum, teething usually starts between 3months and 12months of age. If no tooth erupts at age 1 then kindly see a Dentist . For now, there's no need to worry
You can start brushing your child’s teeth from when he/she cuts the first tooth and do use age appropriate toothpaste
Again, keep a clean environment, observe good hygienic practices in preparing your child's feeds, feeding him/her, and storing his/her feeding materials.
Kindly see your paediatrician for evaluation and treatment.
And it does not need any medication.
Teething Powders and teething mixtures are the most highly unnecessary and at times highly dangerous drugs/substances mums use for their babies.
Some mums even start giving their babies from Day 1 for whatjQuery32108935311435648579_1627380369018!!!
Teething is a normal physiological process or milestones like the child growing bigger, sitting, crawling, walking and saying the first words!!!
Teething Powders and teething mixtures are the most highly unnecessary and at times highly dangerous drugs/substances mums use for their babies.
Some mums even start giving their babies from Day 1 for whatjQuery32108935311435648579_1627380369018!!!
Teething is a normal physiological process or milestones like the child growing bigger, sitting, crawling, walking and saying the first words!!!

Dr Aina Johnson
Most cough and catarrh are viral infection which usually resolves on it own
It is normal ma, If no tooth erupts at one
year then kindly see a Paediatric
dentist for evaluation but for now,
there's nothing to worry about.
year then kindly see a Paediatric
dentist for evaluation but for now,
there's nothing to worry about.

Dr Aina Johnson
Kindly note that teething is a normal physiological process
Your baby is teething when his or her first set of teeth, called primary teeth break through the gums.
When does teething typically start?
Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. But it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. By the time your child is about 3 years old, he or she will have all 20 primary teeth.
The lower front teeth usually come in first. Upper front teeth usually come in 1 to 2 months after the lower front teeth.
When does teething typically start?
Teething usually begins around 6 months of age. But it is normal for teething to start at any time between 3 months and 12 months of age. By the time your child is about 3 years old, he or she will have all 20 primary teeth.
The lower front teeth usually come in first. Upper front teeth usually come in 1 to 2 months after the lower front teeth.
kindly see a dentist as earlier advised as regards the swollen gums so as to allay your fears.