6 years ago
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Good morning great mummies n docs in the house. Sometime late last year I complained abt my niece who has not till 2 years. Two weeks ago I invited my mum to my house and as God will have she brought her. When I saw her I was very angry that she hasn't yet walked. Meanwhile she visited a hospital before which they gave her calcium and multivitamin. Yet no change. My sisters I took her to a private hospital after series of test they said it's KERNICTERUS. Please am sharii this so that we mothers don't keep quiet when you notice something not right. Because people were saying she will walk, its slow development. Doctors know the effect of this type of JAUNDICE, I give all glory to God that it didn't affect her sight, speaking or hearing abilities. This is carelessness
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Good afternoon great mums n docs, being a while. My baby has a very stubborn hair, thick, elastic and full. She's 7 months now can I start making her hair with wool?. FTM
Good morning my mummies n docs in the house. My baby will be six months on the 8th of this month. She always get stressed each time she wants to poo. It was so before now till I introduced pap. Pls what do I do to stop this thank you
Happy New Year people of God
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Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year
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Good morning my sisters, pls I need ur help urgently. My gal of 5 months us always rubbing and scratching her eyes and ears. But the eye is something else that she even cries on the process, so the lest eye has been reddish over a week now. I took her to the clinic the doctor prescribed priton which I have administered for 5 days now yet the eye is still red n she as well scratches. Kindly assist with a FTM.
Baby Care
Pls our amiable Drs. & adorable Mummies I greet you all. Pls this platform has been helping ppl like us(the FTMs), I beg you all to bring it back to life. God bless us all.
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Happy Sunday able mums n docs. My gal of 3 months is having this patches on her neck region pls what can I use that will clear it
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Good morning great mummies n docs in the house. Pls my girl of 3 months that was eating well just started to reject her food. I was giving her sma gold which she was taken very well but last week she stopped accepting the milk so I changed to NAN yet she's not eating except breast milk. Pls what do I do becauseshe's she's cries a lot when she's hungry n I have resumed work. Pls I need ur help urgently. Tnk U.
I had my baby try cs and we will be 3months on the 8 of this October. Pls my great people I want to know if I can now use hot water to press my tummy and tie wrapper to reduce my stomach. Gud evening mummies n docs.
Mom's Health
Happy new month great mums n docs in the house. Pls my baby of 11 weeks old is having boils on her head what do I use?
Good afternoon my docs and able mums. I and my family needs ur help again o. My twin sis baby will be 2 yrs by Nov but she's not walking She talks very well, can climb to any height but she's not walking yet. The family is not happy at all. Pls we need a solution to this. She's very bright and needs to go to school like her other mates. Tnk you
Good afternoon mums & docs. Pls what do I do, my baby is losing weight but she's not sick. Her weight at birth was 4.5kg then at 6 wks she weighted 5.6 but at 10 wks she dropped to. 5.1kg. And I have bn on a maternity to resume on the 25th. Pls what can I do
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I am 26wks preg, what are the necessary baby things to buy in preparation. First time mom
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