6 years ago
Questions (7)
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A baby of 9 months weighing 8.5kg is it ok? Urgent reply pls.
Baby Care
Hello moms. Pls how do i apply NAN2 yo my baby's pap and other solids dat need milk? How many scoops of d spoon & do i need to mix with water before applying to the pap?? Urgent response needed pls. Thanks.
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Hello mothers. I noticed something here. If someone ask about milk to start usin for there babies 9out of 10 mothers will mention NAN and other milk. Is the product very good?? Pls share ur thoughts. About to start solids for my baby and need inputs. Thanks.
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Hello moms and docs. My 2months plus old baby is seriously itching her gum. What can i start using for her. Which teething powder works best??
Baby Care
Gudday mums and docs in d house. Yesterday while i was dressing up my 4weeks & 2days old baby after bath, she was lying down & we were both playing while i dressed her up. Accidentally, i placed a hot towel on her belly button to press it not knowing it was too hot and it peeled d skin above d navel just a tiny bit. Immediately i removed d towel and applied her cream to it (which was shea butter mixed with coconut oil). I iust wore her diaper for her & her feet socks & a small top but left d tummy bare for air. Immediately i started her with vit c for neonatal & ve bin takung vit c tablet too. Still applying d shea butter only for now. Is dat d right step i took?? Pls help me.
Baby Care
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