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6 years ago
Dr Catherine Makwe
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Hello Mothers, it was a lovely time chatting with you all. Thanks for the opportunity to serve you. You all are awesome and super moms. Have a lovely week ahead.
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Still waiting for more questions "when breastfeeding goes wrong?". 12 mins to go! Kindly enjoy the breastfeeding pictures while I wait. just convert it in Naira
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Dr Catherine Makwe
The amount of breastmilk that flows is directly proportional to the suckling of your breast. If the suckling strength is strong, the more the breastmilk will flow over time. Suckling stimulates 2 major hormones involved in milk let down - Oxytoxin and Prolactin. These 2 hormones produced during breastfeeding work together to make milk, establish milk letdown and keep up with the supply and demand of a nursing infant. However, in some cases if baby cannot suckle strong enough for milk let down, we recommend your partner /husband to help in initial suckling to trigger the process.
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Poor latching to a baby is like bad sex position to a woman, it is not comfortable and one gradually hates the process. When breastfeeding, 1) you baby's chin should be touching your breast and his nose should be clear 2) the bottom lip should be curled back 3) you should be able to see more areola ( the dark par of the nipple) above your baby's top lip. Actually, the more your baby suckle you, the more it stimulates breast to let down more milk. So if baby does not suckle well, less milk is let down.
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Q 3. As much as breastfeeding is important, positioning is also paramount. If baby is not positioned well , breastfeeding can be a horrible experience for baby and baby might not be willing to suck. You have to be comfortable while latching, you can sit or lie. Kindly see pictures below (1/2)
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Some mothers just asked what food can they take? Breastmilk is made up of majorly fluids. So 1) take at least 6-8 glasses of water a day( pap helps you do that by making you drink more water and it is made up of majorly water) 2) don't skip meals. Eat as usual but in moderation.3. Be more active and mobile, do exercise as much as you can. It increases circulation and improves breastmilk production.4) replace fatty and sugary foods (cakes and biscuits) with more healthier snacks like fruits. 5) avoid caffeine and alcohol containing food while breastfeeding.6) avoid crash and fad diets too.
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Q 2. Breastfeeding helps mothers to loose weight and attain pre-pregnancy weight. It is a natural way of family planning (lactional amenorrhoea). You can observe your baby even closer. (2/2)
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Q 2. Benefits of breastfeeding. It is natural and cheap ( not from cow) and so does not require any special preparation apart from hygiene and proper positioning. Your baby is human and the first milk baby should have is human milk (breastmilk) except otherwise due to medical reasons directed by your doctor. Breastmilk confers antibodies( biological soldiers) to fight infections for the baby's immature system. It reduces the development of allergens, improves your babies IQ, prevents diarrhea and other infections. (1/2)
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Q 1. Exclusive breastfeeding is when you breastfeed your baby from after delivery to 6 months of age with only breastmilk( no formula or water) at least 6 -7 times a day (ie 6-12 times in 24hrs) both on demand (eg crying) and not on demand. This brings you closer to your baby and that's why it's called Baby Friendly. You become your baby friend. Breastfeeding doesn't mean feeding baby 3 times a day like in older children or adults. Babies's intestines are not well developed as in older growing children and as in adults (2/2)
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Q 1. Breastfeeding is one of the beauties in women. We bore the babies, give birth to them and feed them. Our lovely husbands and partners can not do the same. Breastmilk is the best food for our babies and it is so sufficient for our growing baby. God made it in a way that the constituents of the milk changes with the need and age of your baby upto 6 months. After 6 months of age, baby cannot survive with only on breastmilk and so will need additional meal added to sustain baby. This is when we other meal and some adult food. (1/2)
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Hello Mothers! It's 30mins to go. Are we ready?It will go in this order - 1) Why Exclusive breastfeeding/Baby Friendly?2) The benefits? For Mother and For baby?3) The breastfeeding latching position.4) when breastfeeding goes wrong ..... I will answer questions in numerical order like (1/7 or 2/4)-The denominator is the number of answers for the question and the numerator is the order of answers.
Breast Feeding
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Dr Catherine Makwe
Hi Mummies in the house. Let's keep a date on the 2ND of April 1pm prompt to talk about breastfeeding and all you need to know. Get ready to chat up and ask questions.
Breast Feeding
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