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Good morning our amiable mummies,pls am in serious pain my baby has refused to suck since yesterday ,she will be 11 months this week and teething as well,I don't know weather her refusal was cause by her teething I had to use breast pump to remove the milk pls wat do I do to make the milk dry up.Thanks
Mom's Health
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If you are ready to stop breastfeeding completely, you will just need to wait. Just keep doing cold compression, I mean dip small towel in cold water and place on the breast with tight bra on 24-7 till it subsides. And you need to regularly resoak water when it is dry or hot
Ayodeji Olayinka Adeyoriju
Her refusal to suck might be due to teething, give her pcm once or twice if she has temperature and folic acid syrup.
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