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6 years ago
Nkem Ojems
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Nkem Ojems
COLD PRESS COCONUT OILStep1: remove the back of the coconuts from the flesh and cut into small pieces. Step 2: blend it (for it to be softer, its best to use a grinding machine )Step 3: sieve and separate shaft from the milk. Use warm water. Step 4: keep the milk over night. Its better kept in a refrigerator. Step 5: by morning the oil would separated from the water. It will be strong above the water. HOT PROCESSRemove the oil and put in a pot on fire, it will keep boiling until all the water dries up and leaves only the oil.For virgin coconut oil you'll do step 1-5. After separating the oil from the water, don't put in on fire. Just whisk it to make it soft. Most people prefer the virgin coconut oil for their hair
Product and Services
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Nkem Ojems
Good morning our amiable mummies,pls am in serious pain my baby has refused to suck since yesterday ,she will be 11 months this week and teething as well,I don't know weather her refusal was cause by her teething I had to use breast pump to remove the milk pls wat do I do to make the milk dry up.Thanks
Mom's Health
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Nkem Ojems
Good morning our wonderful mothers,pls what drug will I give my baby she 10months,she has cold nd running nose I mistakenly exposed her body too much cos of this weather.
Baby Care
Nkem Ojems
Good morning our lovely mummies,pls am in need of help oo,recently my left leg or atimes ankle started paining me the pains is also very severe at night,I was told that it is called Gout pls has any mother experience such and how will I treat it cos I have a baby of 10months now.
Baby Care
Nkem Ojems
Good afternoon mothers my 10month baby has been vomiting since on Friday, I was given her ORS ,yesterday the vomiting stopped nd now she stooling although she still taking the ORS but is there any drugs I can give her so that the stooling will stop too.
Baby Care
Nkem Ojems
Good evening our mothers,pls what waist pain is killing me oooo,what could be the cause nd the remedy for it,Pls help FTM.
Mom's Health
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Nkem Ojems
Good morning our mothers,pls any idea on good ovulation app I can download.
Baby Care
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Nkem Ojems
Good evening our wonderful mummies,pls my baby took her 9months immunization today but the hospital don't have Vitamin A at moment hope it won't effect her and also her weight was 10kg against 2.4kg at birth,hope the weight is okay,FTM.
Baby Care
Nkem Ojems
Happy New year to all our amiable mummies and doc in the house,indeed this year shall be fill with testimonies all round,Pls our experience mummy,my baby is 9months and she always wake like 3 times every night to suck breast. Even when I don't feel like weakening up I have no choice pls what can i do to make her sleep all thru for me to enjoy my sleep. Thanks for ur concerns.
Mom's Health
Nkem Ojems
Compliment of the season my wonderful mummies and doc in the house,pls I always wash my baby hair without lossing it when bathing,and I was told that is not good,that once I make her hair that I shouldn't pour water except I loss the hair,pls our experience mummy which is the best practice.Thanks all
Baby Care
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Nkem Ojems
Good evening our lovely mothers ,my baby is 8months and yet no teeth pls I hope there is no cause for alarm ,ftm
Baby Care
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Nkem Ojems
Mothers come nd hearoooo,I went to hospital cos of the rashes on my daughter's body,the nurse told me to stop using Shea butter as her cream that it was the Shea butter that cause it ,I told her I been using it since from her birth,she told me to stop it.Pls mothers what do you think.
Baby Care
Nkem Ojems
Good afternoon our amiable mummies and doctors,pls is true that soybeans powder is not good for babies,my baby will be 8months this month,pls can I add it to her pap.
Nkem Ojems
Good afternoon our lovely mummies,pls can someone teach me how to prepare soybeans for my baby,she 7months.Thanks in anticipation.
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Nkem Ojems
Good afternoon our amiable mummies,pls I notice a change in my baby's poo,is kind of green in colour and the poo is drawing too.
Nkem Ojems
Pls our mummies,any idea how much is baby play mat ,and does it have fake ?
Baby Care
Nkem Ojems
Good day our amiable mummies,pls my baby is 7months and no teeth yet,I was told is cos I use to look at mouth that why the teeth refuse to come out,pls is it true?
Baby Care
Nkem Ojems
Happy Sunday our amiable mummies,thankGod my baby has started accepting water,today I blended cornflakes fruit nd fiber,together with apple then cook for 3minutes while making it I was praying on top,and the goodnews was that she finished it without struggling.Thank you all for ur encouragement at least I have seen one food she ate willingly.
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Nkem Ojems
Good morning our amiable mummies,pls at what month can I start teaching my baby how to use potty.She 6months plus.
Baby Care
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Nkem Ojems
Pls our experience mothers my baby is still rejecting every food I gave her even water,hope she will eventually adjust cos we are 6months weeks now,is not being easy feeding her ontop of her cry.
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