6 years ago
Questions (35)
Answers (247)
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Good day experienced moms and doctors in the house, my son is A year and 1months, I just discovered that I 'm pregnant, what measures can I take so that he doesn't get affected? I gave birth to him through cs, what's the chances that I can have a virginal delivery this time?
Baby Care
Happy 1st birthday to my little cutie prince
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Good morning mummies and doctors in the house, is it OK for a breastfeeding mom to fast?
Mom's Health
Good morning doctors and mummies in the house, my 8 months old baby doesn't eat freely like b4, after eating, he vomit or want to vomit, what could be wrong? Had anybody else experience it b4?
Baby Care
Doctors and mummies in the house, below is my baby's hand pit, pls. What can I do about it?
Baby Care
Good day mom's, pls I need ideas of birthday gift for a 3yr old boy, (3k-4k).the family is dear to me but don't have enough for now.
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Hello doctors and mummies in the house, I saw my menses once six weeks after delivery, it returned after by baby clocked six months, my baby is seven months plus now and I'm menstruating again, is it normal? Is the cycle not too short? (20days)cycle
Mom's Health
Pls. Mother's, I just discovered that aside from tommyache, not all baby cry is normal o! My baby cried from sleep at two different occasions, after lots of trying, I just decided to anoint him and he slept like never before. May God continue to protect our bundles of joy o! Keep a blessed oil close at hand. Not trying to be spiritual o
Baby Care
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Hello moms, pls, has anybody use baby tetmosol soap?
Baby Care
Good morning mummy's in the house, my baby is 6months old now, and I'm trying to process he's meal, the question is how many times do I feed him including breastfeeding.
Baby Care
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Hello wonderful moms in the house, stop wasting money on expensive cream for babies. Mix shear butter (ori), horney and coconut oil and use on your baby's skin. It sure keeps rash away. My baby boy with beautiful skin
Baby Care
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He's Happy Sunday to you all, pls help o! My baby's hand is swollen of boi, he's been crying uncontrollably, he's body is even hot, I've been applying shear butter and I also gave him paracetamol, he's still in pain and don't know what else to do. He's 4months 3 weeks old
Baby Care
Good evening wonderful people in the house, pls which antibiotic can a nursing mum take?
Mom's Health
Good morning doctors and mummies in the house, this boylike thing keep appearing at different places on my lap, it really painful especially when I have to place my baby to bath, pls what can I use? Breastfeeding mom
Mom's Health
Good evening doctors and mummies in the house, pls What is the dosage for Bonanabe? My baby is 4months plus
Baby Care
Good day Doctors and mummies in the house, is there a way of preventing snoring during childhood?
Baby Care
Hello doctors and mummies in the house, there is this greenish area of skin on my baby's bum, is it normal?
Baby Care
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Good evening wonderful people in the house, I'm really happy today o, my baby was really small at birth (2.4kg), we went for immunization today and he weighs 6.2kg at14weeks. EBF all the way.
Baby Care
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Good day Doctors, mummies and mumtobe in the house , I'm a FTM, gave birth through cs, but u don't want to go through any family planning cos I don't want any complications wen TTC again. Though I want my baby to be 2yrs b4 conceiving again. What do I do?
Mom's Health
Good day Doctors and mummies in the house, my baby's poo is foamy, should I be worried?
Baby Care