6 Ways To Help Cope With a Picky Eater

What to eat, when and how to eat can be of great concern for a mother when her children (toddlers) are being picky about food. Picky eaters are very selective about what they eat, they are usually reluctant to eat or even sample new foods. Picky eating is said to be a normal phase for most toddlers if not all and this phase will pass as he/she grows, so mothers, be reassured.

Mothers need to be patient and encouraging; never force a child to eat a particular meal if he/she refuses so that he/she does not see meal times as a struggle. Here are a few tips of what can be done to encourage picky eaters to be more open to new foods:

1. Respect your child’s appetite or lack of one. When he/she is not hungry, don’t force a meal or snack down his/her throat, and don’t force them to finish their food either. Using force would only ignite and reinforce struggling at meal times. Serve small portions at a time, while you give him/her the opportunity to ask for more.

2. Stick to a routine if you have one, or develop one if you don’t have one prior to now. Toddlers and pre-schoolers, even adults thrive on routine; hence, serve meals and snacks at the same time every day.

3. Be patient with new foods: your child might need repeated exposure to a new food before taking the first bite. You can put tiny bits into their mouth and put the rest in yours, as they watch you eat it, they do likewise. You can also serve a new food first along with your child’s favourite food; encourage him/her to try the new food first and later eat his/her favourite meal. Be consistent until the new food becomes familiar, then, repeat the process with another new food.

4. Be creative and make it fun. Add chopped vegetables into boiled spaghetti, noodles or jollof rice; squeeze out juices from fruits or cut fruits into tiny bits of different shapes and offer it as a snack before meals or in-between meals.

5. Minimise distractions especially during meal times as this might shift his/her focus and might make him/her desire less nutritious foods instead.

6. Set a good example: our children learn more quickly from watching/observing what we do, so as a parent when you eat a variety of healthy foods, our children will do likewise.

In conclusion, picky eating habits were not formed overnight, hence, will not change overnight; however, with patience and encouragement, you can help promote a lifetime of healthy eating.   

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