Everything you should know about Colic in Babies: Symptoms, Causes and Tips for coping with colic

What is colic?


Colic is a severe or uncomfortable pain caused as a result of wind or obstruction in your baby’s intestines. Colic could last up to your baby's third month.


How is colic diagnosed?

Although Colic is not a disease or diagnosis but a combination of baffling behaviors. One of the methods Medical professionals usually diagnose colic is if your baby cries Lasts at least three hours at a stretch, Occurs at least three days a week and also Persists for at least three weeks in a row


What are the symptoms?

Symptoms range from apparent abdominal pain, gassiness, a distended belly, irritability, and long, inconsolable bouts of crying, usually starting in the early evening and lasting for hours.


Causes of Colic?

No one is really sure of the cause, but research shows that colic might be caused by baby's diet

Tips for coping with colic?


1) Make some noise

Play "white noise." A single sound, such as a recording of rain or even the sound of a hair dryer, can calm your baby.Babies like sounds that remind them of the rhythmic heartbeat and gentle whooshing noises they heard in the womb. You can also search online for “soothing sounds like rainfall”


2) Try a gentle massage

Your baby might enjoy a gentle massage, but be sensitive to how she responds. The soothing power of your own touch can work wonders on a colicky baby. Many babies love skin-to-skin contact. And studies show infants who are massaged seem to cry less and sleep better.


3) Swaddle

Some babies respond well to being wrapped tightly, especially while being rocked.

Wrapping your infant in a blanket or cloth – can help a baby feel less out of control. You can try swaddling your baby during feedings if she has trouble settling down enough to eat, or wrap her up before her usual colicky period or before you put her down to sleep.


4) Bathe your baby

A warm bath in the middle of your baby's colic time might distract and relax him. Some babies are soothed by the spray of a handheld nozzle on their back. Your baby may enjoy the rhythmic pulsing of the warm water as well as the sound.


5) Get out of the house.

Sometimes, just a change to an outdoor location will magically change a baby's mood. Movement can help, too. Take your baby for a walk in the stroller or in a sling or carrier.

6) Get help or See a pediatrician

If you’re at the end of your rope, don’t hesitate to ask for help — whether from your partner, mother, friend or babysitter but most importantly see a pediatrician


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