Sincerely, it can be very disturbing when you see your baby sniffling, looking red and uncomfortable, many mothers find it difficult to look away or even sleep, thinking through different things that might be the matter.
Good news! You aren’t alone and many times common cold and catarrh resolve on their own with appropriate care from you. One important ingredient is to continue giving tender loving care, snuggle up to your baby and let him/her know you are always there.
If your baby is still breastfeeding, this is the time to ensure he gets lots of breast milk not just for proper hydration but also because breast milk contains natural defence systems that would help your baby fight the cold
If he has begun formula, ensure he feeds well and takes lots of water.
You should have a thermometer at home handy to constantly check his temperature; the normal is between 36.50c – 37.5 decree celsius, If it is high, you can give syrup Paracetamol. If your child is below 3 months and the temperature is higher than 38-degree Celsius, its better you see your pediatrican.
If your baby is very fussy and finding nursing at breast difficult because of a stuffy nose, nasal saline drops may help to unblock his nose. A vapour rub can also bring some relief, apply only to the chest and back not nostrils. You can also try sitting in a steamy bathroom for a few minutes with your baby. Please be careful not to put your baby too close to hot, steamy water, as it could lead to burns and remember to change his clothes.
Most importantly, remember, prevention is key! Ensure your home is dust free, well-ventilated and good hygiene maintained. Also keep your baby away from crowded areas and children with stuffed noses. Be up to date with immunization and note that pneumococcal vaccine can be of great help.
After doing all these your baby should get well in no time, otherwise try to see your pediatrician, it could be a sign of a more severe infection.