Mild and Easy Exercises to Prepare You for Delivery

During pregnancy, especially during the second and third trimesters, it can get a little daunting.  You probably feel more exhausted than normal, and carrying a baby is no joke. That much weight could make your back hurt.


However, sitting and relaxing won't do you any good unless you're experiencing complications and are advised by your obstetrician to relax. If you haven't been exercising in a while, pregnancy may be the perfect time to start.


Did you know that there are mild and easy exercises you can do to get ready for labor and delivery? 


To have a successful labor, it's critical to position your baby in the best birthing position and to get your pelvis ready, this is part of the benefits of exercising during pregnancy. 




Why Are Exercises During Pregnancy So Important?

  • 1. Exercises during pregnancy can help you expand your pelvis and place your unborn child in the "left occiput anterior" position. For giving birth, this is the ideal fetal position. 


  • 2. Decrease bloating, inflammation, constipation, and backaches.


  • 3. Increase your energy and attitude.


  • 4. Aid in improving your sleep.


  • 5. Prevent excess weight gain.


  • 6. Encourage increased stamina, strength, and muscular tone.


  • 7. Minimizes the possibility of a C-section.




When Should Pregnancy Exercises Begin?

The moment you find out you're pregnant is the ideal time to begin pregnancy workouts.


Are you there already? That is not an issue because you may begin right away. No matter which trimester you are in, there are mild and easy workouts you may undertake.


Of course, before starting any pregnant workouts, make sure your midwife, OB-GYN, or doctor gives the go-ahead. We love a healthy mom! 




Effect of not Exercising Regularly

Studies have shown that being physically inactive during pregnancy increases the risk of maternal obesity, premature birth, emergency cesarean sections, and preeclampsia.





Are you ready to begin the Pregnancy Exercises?


Here is a list of mild and easy exercises to do, to get you prepared for delivery. 


  • 1. Walking

Walking is an excellent technique to keep your body in balance. It is inexpensive and easy to do, and it helps your brain and body to "recalibrate" to adjust to your changing form. It can be done anywhere and requires no equipment other than a decent pair of comfortable footwear. 


This works best when you can get some fresh air and sunlight. No matter the time you pick, put into consideration weather factors, you don't want to go on your walk when the sun is hot. By walking under excess sunlight, you might end up more stressed. 


How often?

Start with walking for 10 minutes each day, three to five times a week, if you are not already an exercise walker. You can increase the time gradually. Stay off any cracked sidewalks or rough walkways against falling.



  • 2. Yoga

Welcome to one of the healthiest exercises you can perform for yourself both now and in the future. Yoga improves balance and strength, lowers blood pressure, keeps muscles flexible, and teaches you breathing patterns that will be useful during delivery.


You should avoid positions that involve backbends, because it may cause your abdomen to twist.


How Often?

As long as you're not overworking your muscles or becoming hot, doing yoga in any quantity is good. Yoga may be practiced for half an hour every day or for one 30-minute session each week.



  • 3. Squat 

Squat exercises are among the low-intensity exercises recommended for pregnant women. It will assist in your pelvic muscle contraction and lessen labor discomfort. To strengthen your thighs and pelvis, you can perform simple squats while holding a gym ball in your hand. 


How Often?

Performing squats during pregnancy doesn't have a specific time frame, like "you should perform squats for 20 minutes everyday." 

Despite the fact that squats help to lessen labor pain, it is not advisable to overdo it. You can do 30 set of squats 3-5 days a week, if you notice any form of discomfort during this exercise, stop it and consult your obstetrician. 



  • 4. Proper Sitting

How is sitting correctly an exercise?? Surprisingly it is. Your pelvic alignment can be impacted by how you sit during your pregnancy, and proper sitting helps improve your core and pelvic muscles. Sit straight up with your pelvis leaning slightly forward. 


This is simple to do while sitting cross-legged on the floor with a cushion under your bottom or using an exercise ball. The best position for the baby and your pelvis will be maintained if you sit evenly on the exercise ball. 


Cross-legged sitting expands the pelvis, strengthens the legs, and moves the uterus forward. Basically, you want to stay away from reclining situations. During your third trimester, it is very crucial to exercise this sitting position.


How Often?

As often as you sit down, taking the right posture while sitting will prevent delivery complications and reduce the risk of undergoing CS delivery. 



What about YOU?

What poses or exercises did you work on before having a baby?

Which do you believe will work best for you if you haven't already begun, and why?

Do leave your answers in the comment section, don't forget

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