7 years ago
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Good afternoon doctors and mums, Please I need urgent help mothers, my baby is 6months 1week and I just started giving him pap and cow&gate milk but since he started taking it he is been stooling light green stool with seeds and mucus in it for the past 2days now so I stopped given him the cow&gate but he is still stooling, really don't know what to do, please mothers that has experienced this help me please what did you do to stop the stooling and what food can I give to my baby? Please a mother needs help.
Baby Care
Good day mummy's and mummy's to be. please I need help with my 5months 2weeks son he has carrtah. What do I give him to help him? The nose is even running, pls I need help
Baby Care
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Good morning blessed mothers. Pls help a mother, i gave birth 3months ago, started notice a kind of rash have not seen before coming out of my body, have used funbat-A but it just got worse. Pls any mum that has experience this before pls will like to know what u did to get reed of it pls help a mother. Below is a picture of the rash. Thank you
Mom's Health
Blessed day to all doc and mum in the house. Pls a Mother really need ur help. My baby will be 2month on the 4th of may which is next week Thursday and I noticed his stool has changed the colour is now green and I was told is when a baby is teething that the stool turns green. I want to ask if is possible for a 2month old to be teething? Pls I need answers am a first time mum
Baby Care
Blessed day to all doc and mum in the house. Pls a Mother really need ur help. My baby will be 2month on the 4th of may which is next week Thursday and I noticed his stool has changed the colour is now green and I was told is when a baby is teething that the stool turns green. I want to ask if is possible for a 2month old to be teething? Pls I need answers am a first time mum
Baby Care
Good evening mothers and doctors in the house. Pls I need help, I gave birth a month ago thru cs and since I got home from the hospital been having this back pain and is so annoying. Don't know if am reacting to the anastetic that was giving to me during the surgery. Am to young to be having such back pain. Pls has any mum experience this and what did u do to stop it? Thanks will really appreciate ur help.
Mom's Health
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Good afternoon mums and doctors in the house pls I need ur help am a first time mom. My baby is 4wks 4days and i just notice yellow like fluid coming out from his right ear but with out smell and am really worried. Pls has any mom experience this and what did u do pls mums and doctors I need ur help. Thank you
Baby Care
Good morning mothers and happy mother's day to all mothers, may God bless us all. Pls mothers and doctors in the house I need your help am a first time mum and my baby is 3weeks 1day. He woke up this morning finding it hard to breath with the sound of cartah in his nose, when he feeds he will have to stop to take a breath and then start again pls I need ur help has any mum experience this before and what did you do pls I need help thank you
Baby Care
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